Show records from a table for 1 week period?

I apologise if something like this has already been asked and answered.

I have a table 'Appointments' in which i have a date/time field to create a new appointment. I have also created a "View" formulated "select Appointments" so that i can see a list of all the appointments before creating a new 1.

But is there a way in that "View" to see only the records for a 1 week period starting with todays date? Or maybe for a 1 month period?

It would be handy to not see all of the older records predating todays' date.

Many thanks

1 reply

    • Central Park Furnishings
    • Michael_McKenna
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi James, did you find your answer to this question.  There is a good you tube video by Nioxus that covers views with date ranges. I created an appointment page and can put in a date range and view appointments for the dates specified. 
    'good luck