Problem with importing, Mac desktop

I'm having no luck importing a date field into a new Ninox archive. I have several databases to convert, and I need to be able to import dates. When I create a date field for to be imported, all hell breaks loose, and it creates new fields, skips some fields, puts the date in an ajacent text field. It's really odd. 

I've done it over and over. No clue how to make this work

1 reply

    • janab
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Here are screen shots:

    CVS file. text field, date field, yes/no field, another text field to try to import dates as text


    Fields created fields as created in Ninox Table


    Import 1 screenimport screen setup for import


    Import 1 result, first field skipped (Image Name), date field mostly empty, other fields not imported import results

    dunno if you can see these, but it's weird.