Calculate an amount based on a Number field and a Multiple Choice field

Context.  Trying to populate a table of days of the month from a 'Costs' table that has known costs of the business.

Costs table:


Day is a number field. Months is a multichoice field:


Table looks like:


Over in my Cashflow table I have a button that I want to populate a sub-table e.g.:


What I want to do is:

Loop through the days for that months 'Daily Cash' table:

  Loop thorugh the items in the 'Costs' table:

     sum up the Costs field [if the days match] and [if the month is selected in the multichoice field]


So the looping bit is fine, summing up the costs based on the [days matching] is fine....   but how do I work out if my month is included in the multichoice field?

Completely stumped!!!

1 reply

    • Customer Service Ninox
    • Maria_pasini
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hello Jason
    In order to see if the month is included in the multichoice field, you would need to transform the month into a text field (1>Jan, 2>feb, 3>mar...), and then search with the statement like : Months (multi field) like xMonth (Variable that writes the month in text)

    So it would look something like this:

    Loop through the days for that months 'Daily Cash' table:
      Loop thorugh the items in the 'Costs' table:
         let xMonth:= if month(Date)=1 then "Jan" else if month(Date)=2 then "Feb" else.....
         sum up the Costs field [if the days match] and [Months like xMonth]