I need to see if a value = something from combo box that it will create a new event in my history table. Currently i have a project table and when i select "PENDING" i want it to create a new event in my history "New item pending"

Status = "Pending";
History.'Create New Event' = "test";

3 replies

    • Support
    • 6 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    If you want to check a Choice field (Multi Choice field) you need to use the following formula:


    if text(Status) = "Pending" then ....




    if Status = 2 then..... 


    , as Ninox will check for the index number of the value in the choice field if you not assign to check for the text with the "text(Field)". 

    Best, Jörg

    • russhenry715
    • 6 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Ok  what is the proper way of adding a new row in a seperate table?

    if text(Status) = "Bid" then
    text(History.'Create New Event') = "Project move to Bid Status";
    text(History.Date) = "now()"
    text(History.Id) = "Projects.ID"


    I have a relationship between my projects and history tables. My ultimate goal is to when i select an option "Bid/Submitted/Pending/etc" it will automatically create a entry in my history table to i can keep track where my bids are. Currently i am adding the entries by hand


    • Sean
    • 6 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    You can add the code to "Trigger after update" in your main table.

    if text(Status) = "Bid" then

    let h := (create History);

    h.(Event := "Bid");

    h.(Date := now())

