Please can you suggest a design strategy for a Student Attendance module...

I'm relatively new to databases and Ninox so would appreciate some help!

I want to create a module within a larger database that allows a teacher to keep a record of whether or not students have attended lectures. So, if I've understood the correct design principles, I've created two tables; one to list all the STUDENTS by name and another to list all the LECTURES by date and subject. Having some experience with Filemaker, and given that the relationship between STUDENT and LECTURES is "many to many", I understand the next step is to create an intermediary table of transactional data which I would call ATTENDANCES. In this table I would create a field with an external N:1 link to the STUDENT table called "Student name", and another field with an external N:1 link to the LECTURE table called "Lecture to be attended" and then a choice field to reflect whether or not the student actually attended, called "Attendance confirmed?". The value choices for this would be "Attendance confirmed", "Student absent" and "Student absent with satisfactory explanation".

So far so good I hope but what I now want to do is to design a data input form so that the teacher, after every lecture can just go down a list of pupils entering whether or not they attended. Then, attached or accessible via an individual student record, there should be a list of all the lectures and whether or not they attended, and conversely, for each lecture, a list of all the students and whether or not they attended. I'm not sure how to do this. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

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