choice based on text entered in other field
Hi, I am trying to automate that if some certain words are inserted into a field, then the choice field would show the selected value.
i.e. in description field if we enter 'taxi', 'plane' or 'ship' then the category choice it will show 'transport'.
But when we enter 'cookies', 'breakfast' or 'lunch' then in category choice it will show FnB. other than that it will be default value (null).
thank you
2 replies
you can use something like this in the box 'Trigger After Update':
if Description like "taxi" or Description like "plane" or Description like "ship" then
YourChoiceField := text("Transport")
if Description like "cookies" or Description like "breakfast" or Description like "lunch" then
YourChoiceField := text("FnB")
end -
thank you it works!
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- 5 yrs agoLast active
- 2Replies
- 1177Views