Expression to place non-printing ascii codes into text

The first 16 values of ascii/unicode are non-printable.  e.g. 01, is null, 12 is form feed, 10 is line feed, 13 is carriage return, etc.

I don't find any function in the language for ascii codes. How can I construct a text string with embedded ascii codes to place into text variables or text fields?

3 replies

    • Fred
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Being unfamiliar with ASCII codes, what is your end goal here?

    What does a text string with embedded ascii codes look like?

      • Master and Commander of the Sea of Cortez
      • danberkey
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Fred Your sentence, "What does a text string with embedded ascii codes look like?" is itself a text string with embedded ASCII.  ASCII is the American Standard Code for Information Interchange.   It is one of the earliest protocols for representing the symbols of natural language as numerical values in a computer.  IBM had their own protocol used in mainframes called EBCIDIC. 

      ASCII values are 8 bit, so there are are a total of 256 unique values (Actually the original ASCII was 7 bit with 128 values.  What we shorthand today as ASCII is technically "Extended ASCII").  ASCII is the fundamental lookup table used by nearly all computers to map the characters that make up our language to binary numbers stored in the computer .  The first 10 integers (0-9), all the letters of the alphabet (upper and lower case), punctuation marks, etc. are assigned to one of the 256 values.

      ASCII later evolved into Unicode to accommodate other languages that don't use Latin alphabetic characters and Arabic numbers.  Unicode is 32 bits. The fact that you are reading this message means that your computer translated the numerical values stored in memory and presented the corresponding letter or symbol to you on your computer screen so you can read this message. 

      Some of the values in ASCII/Unicode are non-printable.  The non printing codes are used for a variety of things.  They can be used for sorting, for text formatting, for IoT control, etc.  Nearly all computer languages provide a means for embedding ASCII/Unicode into text strings, all the way back to Apple and Microsoft BASIC. 

      The only thing I can find in Ninox for embedding ASCII/Unicode is a method for embedding newlines (ASCII 10) by literally entering a double quote ("), hitting return, and entering another double quote.  This is an amazingly crude method and the only method I've seen for embedding just one of the first 16 non-printable characters.

    • Ninox developper
    • Jacques_TUR
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Thank you for this question Captain Quint  , I would like to have the answer as I would need it to sort the descending text.