Where have the Views gone?

I have a simple table of all the images used in the database. They are categorised so I can limit the list when picking a photo for a linked record.

I set up half a dozen (Table type) 'Views' so I have easy access to selected categories of photos by filtering on a column set up for this purpose and all was working well.

That was I think a few days ago. This morning all still looked ok, but then later I noticed that all those additional views of the Photos table have vanished. No data has been affected of course and as far as I can see no other structure changes have been lost. So where are those views I painstakingly created.

Having recently suffered a problem with Ninox silently not updating the database and losing days of work, it has now managed to 'vanish' more of my work, although this time it's structure not data.

This is really ********** me off.

Anyone enlighten me as to under what circumstance Ninox will simply throw away all changes to Views of a table?

2 replies

    • Mel_Charles
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Sounds worrying

    unfortunately, I cannot suggest anything as in over 2 years of using Ninox (web) I have never experienced this nor if I stand to be corrected ever seen a post to say that views disappear.

    I am beginning to wonder to the stability of your particular database as you do seem to be experiencing some major issues over the last few months. Are the views there if you restore a back up to a copy?

    are you web based also ?

      • UKenGB
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Mel Charles Mac app with iCloud shared database.

      I have since read of other users experiencing all the same issues, so although uncommon, they are not unheard of.

      I have had cause now to twice import an archive and then use that moving forward and in each case the previous problem has not apparently reoccured. My database is nothing more than Ninox it supposed to handle and it should operate perfectly within the parameters of how I have it configured.

      Despite that, earlier today I had another issue with the same table that lost its views. This time they are all still there, but simply not working. By which I mean, showing very little or no data. Completely bizarre as the original (all) view was no problem, with all records showing, but the other views created to show filtered datasets were for some reason not showing what they should have been. Working fine yesterday, but not today. I wondered if the filtering was somehow flaky, so I tested one view that showed NO records instead of the 50 or so it should have displayed. I modified the filter but still no records showing. I deleted the filter altogether and still NO records showing in the view. With no filter, this should have been showing exactly the same records as the (all) view. How can it possibly get that wrong and of course, no apparent way to force it to work correctly again.

      So I closed the db and after saving an archive (just in case) I reopened the same db and now that table's views are all working perfectly, with the correct records displayed for each according to the specific filter set up in that view.

      This is a bug, a coding error. There is NO way a user can do anything that causes such bizarre misbehaviour (e..g. incorrect set of records being displayed) that is then magically correct simply after closing and reopening the db.

      Fortunately I have been able to continue, but it is becoming increasingly worrying that Ninox is exhibiting these problems.