do as... massive speed improvement

Hi All


Has anyone seen the documentation about speed improvements in Ninox?


I tested their use of do as...

This code took 2 mins 23 secs to run

for i in range(1000) do
    create Test

Whereas this code took less than 2 seconds to run!

do as transaction
    for i in range(1000) do
        create Test

4 replies

    • Fred
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view

    I thought the do as Transaction would be a great command, but sometime I get the following error on the web version of Ninox:

    Nothing that is show stopping, but annoying.

    It is interesting that I find that the Ninox app on my new M2 MacBook Pro does things faster than the browser version. Tables and dashboards load faster. Even scripts run faster, that is why I wanted to use do as Transaction as that allows Ninox to use the app on my MBPro when I use it and on the server when I'm on my windows machine.

      • Rafael Sanchis
      • Rafael_Sanchis
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

      Fred Hi Fred, How can I implement the do as server in this script. Work perfect on Android but too slow on Windows

      let vDd := CutOff_;
      let check := dialog(" Warning ", " ¿Confirm the Update Progress Project for Goole Graph ? ", ["Yes", "No"]);
      if check = "Yes" then
          for loop1 in select CutOff do
              CutOff_ := loop1.DateCO;
              let xPry := first(select Project);
              let xFld1 := xPry.'Data|Date';
              let xFld2 := xPry.Week;
              let xFld3 := xPry.'Plan Value PV';
              let xFld4 := xPry.'Earned Value EV';
              let xFld5 := xPry.'Plan Hours';
              let xFld6 := xPry.'Earned Hours';
              let xFld7 := xPry.'% Plan';
              let xFld8 := xPry.'% Earned';
              let xFld9 := xPry.CPI;
              let xFld10 := xPry.SPI;
              let xFld11 := xPry.'Actual Cost AC';
              let xFld12 := xPry.'Cost Week';
              let xFld13 := xPry.'Cumulative Cost';
              let xFld14 := xPry.'Actual Hours';
              let xFld15 := xPry.'Hours Week';
              let xFld16 := xPry.'Cumulative Hours';
              let xFld17 := xPry.'Ideal Burdown';
              let xFld18 := xPry.'Remaining Effort';
              let Pgr := (create 'Progress-Cost Report');
              Pgr.('Date CutOff' := xFld1);
              Pgr.('Week CutOff' := xFld2);
              Pgr.('Total Earned Plan' := xFld3);
              Pgr.('Total Earned Real' := if cnt((select 'Progress-Cost Report')['Total Earned Real' = xFld4]) > 0 then
              Pgr.(Plan_Hours := xFld5);
              Pgr.(Earned_Hours := if cnt((select 'Progress-Cost Report')[Earned_Hours = xFld6]) > 0 then
              Pgr.(Plan := xFld7);
              Pgr.(Real := if cnt((select 'Progress-Cost Report')[Real = xFld8]) > 0 then
              Pgr.(CPI := xFld9);
              Pgr.(SPI := xFld10);
              Pgr.('Actual Cost' := xFld11);
              Pgr.('Cost Week' := xFld12);
              Pgr.('Cumulative Cost' := if cnt((select 'Progress-Cost Report')['Cumulative Cost' = xFld13]) > 0 then
              Pgr.('Actual Hours' := xFld14);
              Pgr.('Hours Week' := xFld15);
              Pgr.('Cumulative Hours' := if cnt((select 'Progress-Cost Report')['Cumulative Hours' = xFld16]) > 0 then
              Pgr.(Burdown := xFld17);
              Pgr.(Remaining := if cnt((select 'Progress-Cost Report')[Remaining = xFld18]) > 0 then
      (select 'CutOff Date').(CutOff_ := vDd);
      alert("  The Update Progress Report for Google Chart created Successfully")
      • Fred
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

      You can try putting it after the if check = "Yes" line, remember to add an extra end at the bottom. Since you have dialog and alerts you can't wrap the whole thing in a do as server. I'm not sure if Ninox can pass things along between client and server properly, but you can try it out.

    • Mel_Charles
    • 1 yr ago
    • Reported - view


    Using do as ... does make a considerable difference - especially if you are on the web version and have big data tables, cos all the processing is done at the server end before handing it back for display etc.