Dynamic Choice Field text (Value) vs Number - Where can I find them?

I have an excel with Country, Region,District

I import this to my GEO table.

Then I have a DCF in my MAIN table that show all Countries and I pick what I want.

I do the same for Region and District but I limit the choices by what I have selected before (Cascading DCF I think it will be called)

Everything works as expected until I export my MAIN table to excel. Now I have exported the number referenses to the data (Contry, Region, District).

Two question:

1) Can I get the value to be stored instead of the number refering to the value? (I could not find a way to "set" tis in the field definition.)

2) If not as above - how can I find what number points to which value? (OK, I can run a "bit by bit" to figure it out but I have 1000 different values.....)

4 replies

    • havrup
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    I still have this question. Anyone that has an answer?

    • Alain_Fontaine
    • 2 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    You can create a global tabular view in you "MAIN" table, called for example "Export", and include as columns the fields you want in your export. For the DCF fields, don’t include them, but create "Formula" columns containing formulas like:


    The first occurence of "Country" is the name of the DCF in "MAIN", the second is the name of the data field in "GEO".

      • havrup
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Alain Fontaine  Thanks Alain, will test this approach.

      • Alain_Fontaine
      • 2 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      havrup I would add that the formula proposed allows to export the content of any field from the "GEO" table. If you just want to export the text displayed in the DC field itself, as set by the script in "Dynamic value name", you can simply use text(Country). And here, the "text()" function works as expected…