Text / Date Functions
So if someone enters 1/1/2016 for a breeding date
I need the foaling date to show: 12/8/2016 (342 days later)
is there something like (Breeding_Date)+342(days)
71 replies
Hi Leo,
I'm also interested in the day, month, year format when I calculate the difference between two dates. Your link does not work.
thx -
if ‘Fattura N.’ != null then
if ‘Data ricezione’ != null and ‘Data invio a fornitore’ != null and ‘Data evasione fornitore’ != null and ‘Data invio a cliente’ != null then
styled(“Non Fatturabile”,"","","forbidden")
for explanation
styled("my Text","Background Color "," Text Color "," Icon ")
Leo -
Is there a way to attach the pdf file created with the print button in an email opened by an email field?
Andrea -
Hi Andrea,
we have this feature planned.
Best regards, Alex -
Hi, I know that using Ninox DB in the cloud with Firefox, the Date fields have a problem: the calendar that opens to choose a date does not close after choosing it. This in every Date field. I tried on another pc with Firefox (updated) and has the same problem. With other browsers it works correctly. Could you check? thank you.
Hi Andrea, thanks for reporting this. Is it on a Windows PC?
Best, Frank -
Yes the problem si on Windows PC. Instead using Firefox on mac it works well.
there is a list of the name of icons?
I believe you have a function that returns a day of the month (or perhaps more generally, a number) in the format "nth" (e.g., "1st", "2nd", "3rd"). Am I remembering it correctly? I can't remember the name of it so am having difficulty finding it.
-l. -
Hi Laura,
pleae tryformat(today(), "Do").
Frank -
I have a time field in my database. I created with a function of 'TimeField' := now() with hopes it would populate the current time. It does do so, however, it is 3 hours ahead of the actual time. How do I fix this?
try this:
'TimeField' := time(now())
now() includes date and time and you have to tell Ninox exactly what you want to see
please let me know how to capture the data entry time in noneditable format
In our soon released new version of Ninox you will have the option "Writable if" not only for tables but as well for data fields. There it is possible to state a condition that will not allow editing on that field it has any content:
Writable if:
MyField = null
Best, Jörg
I want to capture the clock time as the entry time and never want that to be edited later. Could you help me?
I want to capture the clock time as the entry time and never want that to be edited later. Could you help me?
Hello Jayaraj,
Two ways to capture this:
1. Using the record creation timestamp in Ninox. Get this by using "_cu" in a formula f(x) field.
2. Use formula, 'Entry Time' := now() on the trigger of the field whose entry you wish to capture. Here 'Entry Time' is a Date/Time field to store the creation time.
This thread was very helpful. Finaly found that this information is in the FAQ. Please consider making this either a GLOBAL preference, or a database preference setting. I like my medium date to DISPLAY MMM, DD, YYYY ... but like typing it in via the short format MM/DD/YYYY.. :)
This thread was very helpful. Finaly found that this information is in the FAQ. Please consider making this either a GLOBAL preference, or a database preference setting. I like my medium date to DISPLAY MMM, DD, YYYY ... but like typing it in via the short format MM/DD/YYYY.. :)
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- 6 yrs agoLast active
- 71Replies
- 30167Views