Extract values out of Array from JSON

Hi all,

I have an array from JSON which i get from text(response,result)

{ cost_per_km: 0.003, cost_per_mi: 0.004, 20_80_charge_Level1: “1:00”, 20_80_charge_Level2: “0:23”, 20_80_charge_Level3: “0:18” }

How do I extract the various values into individual fields? I have tried

let arr := text(response.result);
Cost_per_km := item(arr, 1) 


item(response.result, 3)


7 replies

    • Sean
    • 4 yrs agoFri, November 13, 2020 at 5:14 AM UTC
    • Reported - view


    You have a JSON object not an array. Arrays are inside square brackets []. I“m not an expert with JSON, but it looks like the Ninox code editor does not like keys that start with numbers. I added quotes and didn”t get an error.


    let jsonObj := {
    cost_per_km: 0.003,
    cost_per_mi: 0.004,
    “20_80_charge_Level1”: “1:00”,
    “20_80_charge_Level2”: “0:23”,
    “20_80_charge_Level3”: “0:18”


    You get the values from the object using dot notation.

    • steergoosen
    • 4 yrs agoFri, November 13, 2020 at 5:39 AM UTC
    • Reported - view

    Thanks Sean, I get error though symbol expected at line 4 column 2, after the “

    • Sean
    • 4 yrs agoFri, November 13, 2020 at 5:47 AM UTC
    • Reported - view

    steergoosen, Some apects of the forum are fubared right now. The key names that start with 20_80 should be in single quotes. The forum is changing all single quotes to double quotes.

    • steergoosen
    • 4 yrs agoFri, November 13, 2020 at 6:12 AM UTC
    • Reported - view

    Cool that works thanks - but at the risk of being blond (also my first time working with JSON, I was surprised I could do the GET working on my own) - how do I get the underlined dynamicaly? I tried let jsonObj := { “result”} . “Result” is a text field where the json GET result was printed to.

    let jsonObj := {
    cost_per_km: 0.003,
    cost_per_mi: 0.004,
    “20_80_charge_Level1”: “1:00”,
    “20_80_charge_Level2”: “0:23”,
    “20_80_charge_Level3”: “0:18”

    • Sean
    • 4 yrs agoFri, November 13, 2020 at 6:32 AM UTC
    • Reported - view

    I would try to use result as I get it and then store it in a Text field afterwards. If you store it in a Text field first, I think you’ll need to use the parseJSON() function on the value in the Text field to get the result.

    • Sean
    • 4 yrs agoFri, November 13, 2020 at 6:34 AM UTC
    • Reported - view

    Wow, I just noticed the single quote wasn’t changed 😎

    • steergoosen
    • 4 yrs agoFri, November 13, 2020 at 7:00 AM UTC
    • Reported - view

    cool hehe