Loading images from a linked table

Hi NX community, a little help needed here...

I have a table "A" with several images stored in a single record, and another table "B" which should display those images each one in a specific formula field, so that each of them can act like a button.

"A" and "B" are 1:N linked, because I need to create lots of "B"s and each of those need to retrieve the same images stored in "A". Is there a way to avoid having to select manually the single record in "A" every time I create a "B" (like a trigger on create or something like that...).

Thanks for your help!

3 replies

    • Ninox partner
    • RoSoft_Steven.1
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    You can get the images like this in your formula field: record(tableA,1).Image1

    In this example i go to the first record (with ID 1) of tableA and pull the Image1 field. 

    • Ninox partner
    • RoSoft_Steven.1
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    And the table hasn't to be linked BTW.

    • Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
    • Gianluca_Sechi
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    That's awesome, it worked perfectly, thank a lot!