Android App - Option to establish the default database and default table
Every time I want to add a record to Ninox, I lost a lot of time,
I have to open the Android Ninox App
I have to choose the database
I have to choose the table
In Android App, create a option to establish the default database and default table
When opening the Android App, it will automacally open in that table, displaying the table records
3 replies
I can't help with a default database - but you can set the table an app goes to with a simple openTable in the Trigger after open:
openTable("Companies", "My Companies")
As you can see you can also speciy a view...
Ok, but this opentable option works just in the Web version -- It's not working in The Ninox's Android App
I want to have to use Less Clicks in Android's App to open/view my Tables. ( to make easier and faster to use the Ninox's Android App)
Every time I want to add a record to Ninox, I lost a lot of time, because:
1.I have to open the Android Ninox App
2.I have to Wait until Ninox shows the Databases Names
3.I have to choose / Click on the desired database
4.I have to choose / Click the desired table
In Android App, after selecting the database, if there's an Opentable command in the database trigger, automatically open in that table, displaying the table records in that view
It would be nice also to have a option to "default database" - avoid to have to select allways the database
If you don't close your database before closing the Android App on Smartphone, it will open this database again if you start the Ninox App again.
Best, Jörg
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- 5 yrs agoLast active
- 3Replies
- 1577Views