How to append values to an array

How do you append a value to an array? The closest I get is:

var x := ["Hi", "there"];
var y := ["dude"];

but, while it dosen't have an error in it's code, it does not return an array

8 replies

    • Sean
    • 6 yrs ago
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    It might be an array, but the only funtions I could get to work with my test array are item() and slice().

    • JCSchell
    • 6 yrs ago
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    There is turning the array to text with concat() appending it and then making it back into an array with split() but it’s cumbersome.

    • Sean
    • 6 yrs ago
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    let myArray1 := [1, 2, 3];
    let myArray2 := [4, 5, 6];
    let myArray3 := myArray1 + myArray2;
    let myArray4 := [item(myArray3, 0), item(myArray3, 1), item(myArray3, 2), item(myArray3, 3), item(myArray3, 4), item(myArray3, 5)];


    All the Ninox functions worked doing this and myArray4 could probably be initialized using a loop. Still, kind of cumbersome. I tried using concat() on myArray3 and all I got back was a single string of 123456.

    • SvenSteffen_Arndt
    • 2 yrs ago
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    • Nicholas_Doherty
    • 9 mths ago
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    • Kim_Schacht
    • 9 mths ago
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    Let f := x + y


    • Alain_Fontaine
    • 9 mths ago
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    The only known way, as far as I know, to add something to an array, and get an *array* as the result, is to use the "array()" function. The function takes two arrays as arguments, and returns their concatenation as a new array. To add a single element, of the same type as those already in the array, one must first convert this element into a single element array:

    newArray := array(oldArray, [addedElement])
    • Sean
    • 9 mths ago
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    The only known way, as far as I know, to add something to an array, and get an *array* as the result, is to use the "array()" function.

      posted a solution nearly 5 years ago in this thread - Universal array handling when array items are not text strings. I posted an example database in this thread - Numeric array variable initialization that expands on his solution to add inserting, deleting and replacing elements in an array.

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