Bingo Board Strategies
OK.. Looking for some ideas about a traditional bingo board.. I tried buttons.. but they are too big. I tried text fields.. the same.. to big to get 16 across the screen.... My next attempt will be images ..but prior to going that route... wanted to get some feedback. Following is the genearl idea..
7 replies
OK.. another stragegy to meet the UI constraints is this.. Do not worry about the sort order of "BINGO". I will fixt that... the Point.. To address the constrainst of the UI... I already had a "Game" sub table.. Now.. that subtable has a 15 column / attribute view.. so I can simply tollgle on / off the value.. I am still looking for suggestions.. :) Oh.... by the way.. we will enhance with an "Advertisement Banner" such that ever "next bingo ball" provides another advertisement.. ;) Yeah... I know folks that own bars.. ;)
Sorry .. forgot to include a screen shot..
So far.. the above approach seems the best.. Will also have a sub-table for each bingo ball draw.. as lots of games track to the number of draws before a winner..
So.. each game will creatin "B I N G O" rows.... and then tack those.. I'm not really happy about it... Was trying to do a 75 position arrach and then map into the UI.. but have not gotten through that yet.. :(
that is a very nice idea.
We would realy appeciate if you would like to show that in the English webinar on Tuesdays. Maybe we can help you then also to do the 75 positions arrach.
You can sing on for the webinar here:
Thank you.
Best, Jörg
WOW.. sorry for the type-os.. .."tack those" should be "track those" .. "75 position arrach" .. ."75 position array" .. Geezzz.
I like this solution. I am using this idea to pack a lot of info into a small space. I was using formulas in the record, but that took up a lot of space. Moving the formulas to a sub-table, and displaying it that way saves a bunch of space.
OK.. I got the basics working.. I decided NOT to track game history.. this is meant to be a "game" that is displayed on TVs / Monitors in a pub like atmosphere. To keep things simple.. it goes like this... This is the main game view.. You can pick the type of bingo game .. (later I will display an image of what the game looks like) .. Then start the game... This uses the random() function to assign a random value to each of the 75 Bingo Balls.. I choose to do it this way for ease and speed..
Once the game is started .. click Next Ball until someone yells BINGO! The Next Ball action simply pickes the next ball based on sort order that has not been Toggled On (more on that in a few minutes..)
Here is the part that I think is pretty interesting.. The "Bingo Board" is a static table that has 15 columns.. each column is a relationship to the "Bingo Ball" table.
As the Game Board column is a relationship to the Bingo Ball.. I simply "display" the value.. and as each value is picked in randomized sort order.. I update the ToggleBackground to TRUE.. so I can flip the cell to YELLOW... ( I think I am going to refactor this to use Rich Text fields so I can better control the font size and text alignment.. )
Here is a snapshot of the Bingo Ball table.. in progress.. You will notice gaps in the selection because I choose an "H" game.. which limits the selction to the "I"s and the "G"s only .. ;)
Once I get a bit further.. I will email it to Support for their review .. Perhaps they can create a better ICON to assign to the database.. :)
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- 6 yrs agoLast active
- 7Replies
- 3021Views