Set time zone for shared view?
Is there a way to set the time zone in the shared view?
I want to create a view of deliveries/sales for the day.
It looks like everything is converted to 5 hrs in the future for me. So it looks like it is converted to Central European Standard time. So anything that happens after 7PM gets kicked into the next day on my shared views.
I have a workaround by using a formula to fix the date, but then I have to have an extra view for the share and manage changes in two places.
datetime(number('Delivery Date / Time') - 18000000)
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It also gets weird because of daylight savings time. It was a 6 hour difference yesterday, but is only 5 hours today. I guess it just changed there today. It will change here on Nov. 4.
I am now using a the timezonedb api to get the offset so I don't have to worry about daylight savings time.
My formula looks like this:
let response := http("GET", url("" + format('Date / Time', "X")));
'Date / Time' + number(response.result.offset) * 1000
Hmm.. that is interesting. The "form" has the correct time.. even though it is "hosted in the cloud".. but the view has the EU time.. which sort of makes sense as the "form" is running locally .. and the view is hosted on a server overseas. It would be helpful if the time was consistently stored in GMT.
It appears the time is stored in GMT/UTC, as you can get the offset with format('Date/Time',"Z").
I wonder if there is any way to specify the timezone/offset of a Date/Time.
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- 6 yrs agoLast active
- 5Replies
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