New Email Button creating a new record in subtable
I have a main table called 'Emails' that has a view called 'Compose' where I have a button "New Email" and I have a subtable called 'New Emails'
I have only managed to get the subtable to open with the code below.
openTable("New Email", "Compose");
What would I need to add to have a new record created and opened so I can right away compose the email?
6 replies
i tried the code below and had a specific record number instead of the three question marks (???) but I am still not any close to creating a new record.
openTable("New Email", "Compose");
popupRecord(record('New Email',???))
Try this:
let currRec := Id;
let i := (create 'New Email');
i.(Emails := currRec);
popupRecord(record(New Email',i.Id))Steven.
Nick again.....
Last line should be : popupRecord(record('New Email',i.Id))
forgot a '
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- 5 yrs agoLast active
- 6Replies
- 1325Views