How do i add up totals

Hi i am a new user trying it out and i just can not see how to make it work to add up numbers.

I have loaded in CSV files of data and in that includeds jobs booked with a

total price of a package,

The amount they paid down payment 

the amount still due.

And a permit fee cost we have to pay out

This all comes from our website in as a CSV ready to import in.

How can i have it show me a total price of packages of all jobs for this year - minus the permit fees we have to pay out and show it by month as well to tack jobs.

 Show total jobs booked for the year and each months total

Show total fees we paid out for teh year and each month

Amounts still due

A break down of the different packages we sell to see. We have six different packages.

So want to track by month and year how many of each packages are sold with a total money ammount for each one for each month and year total.

I have been doing all this in Apple numbers and using pivit tables to show info. But i woud like to be about to search better and track and find customers faster using ninox if all this is some how easy to set up?

25 replies

    • Edward.1
    • 2 yrs agoSat, April 23, 2022 at 7:11 PM UTC
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    Also how to get items to show up on the calander nothing i import in shows up. All of them have a job date in them.

      • Lars
      • 2 yrs agoSat, April 23, 2022 at 8:01 PM UTC
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      Edward Regarding the items in the calendar. It is important, that you store all dates in fields of type "Date". For those, there's a configuration item, that allows you to show the element in the calendar ("Show in calendar" in the lower left)

      • Edward.1
      • 2 yrs agoSat, April 23, 2022 at 9:06 PM UTC
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      Lars  The way the CSV is coming it i get a date time area and i see no option for show in calendar. And i see no way to change it from date / time to just date?

      • Fred
      • 2 yrs agoSun, April 24, 2022 at 1:28 AM UTC
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      Yeah, sadly Ninox does not allow you to convert fields from one kind to another.

      You can simply just create a new formula field and put this in the formula:

      date('date/time fieldname')

      Now the record will show up in the calendar.

    • Fred
    • 2 yrs agoSun, April 24, 2022 at 12:32 AM UTC
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      • ninox.1
      • 2 yrs agoSun, April 24, 2022 at 10:42 AM UTC
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      Fred I wish someone would tell this video author that he totally overdrives his microphone. I can't stand to listen to these videos as they're distorted. Also, this person's videos are too long -- he often seems to ramble on for an hour when a simple ten minutes would have sufficed.

    • Edward.1
    • 2 yrs agoMon, April 25, 2022 at 2:06 AM UTC
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    The video covers searching for somethig but still nothing on adding up numbers and seeing totals.

    • Edward.1
    • 2 yrs agoMon, April 25, 2022 at 2:24 AM UTC
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    I guess i am giving up on this.

    I spend more time in Apple Numbers and have most of what i want working now.

    I think this would have been nice but its not easy to setup and the help info lacks everything i am lookign for to be able to do.

      • Rafael Sanchis
      • Rafael_Sanchis
      • 2 yrs agoMon, April 25, 2022 at 8:34 AM UTC
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      Edward I have been using Ninox for a little over a month and I have had a lot of help in the forum but yes I think that much more support is needed from Ninox there are many gaps that are not resolved.

    • Fred
    • 2 yrs agoMon, April 25, 2022 at 4:24 AM UTC
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    I don’t know how many hours you spent with Ninox, but like any DB you have to spend some time with it to understand the structure and language. 

    if you decide to try again. There are many of us willing to help. 

    • Edward.1
    • 2 yrs agoMon, April 25, 2022 at 7:14 AM UTC
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    I have spent many hours now watching videos and working on this over a few days.
    I re-started from teh start with a new load in of CSVs.
    I am still at it but now stuck i can not get a view to work i get this. Watching a video on this it should be working but it is not.

    Here is another screen shot showing i do have a Bamboo Sunshine table of data. This is for a wedding business.

    • John_Halls
    • 2 yrs agoMon, April 25, 2022 at 7:43 AM UTC
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    Hi Edward

    So glad to hear you are still having a go with Ninox. Honestly, it's an amazing bit of kit. I transferred a portion of my FileMaker system to Ninox last week. In FileMaker it was a months' worth of development time, in Ninox I had the bulk of it working in a day!

    Anyway, you need to swap the double quotes for single quotes

    select 'Bamboo Sunshine'

    In Ninox if your table or field is a single word it can be referenced without any quotes but if there is a space in your table or field name it needs to be surrounded by single quotes.

    Regards John

      • ninox.1
      • 2 yrs agoTue, April 26, 2022 at 10:22 AM UTC
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      John Halls Not really disagreeing with you, but there's a lot in FileMaker that is much more intuitive than Ninox and also that matches other DB systems -- like foreign keys, very good documentation, scripts, JDBC, ODBC, ....

    • Edward.1
    • 2 yrs agoMon, April 25, 2022 at 9:14 AM UTC
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    Ok that worked i also needed to make Select lower case.

    But not working like i would like.
    I am trying to get totals from 3 different tables into this view as a test to just show the total of all 3 combined  as a one line total. I will have six to bring in when i add in the others.

    And show a total of all permit fees from all 3 tables

    Then would like to show the main total minus the permit fres to show what out real profit is afert paying for the permits.

    I am not sure how to get info from all 3 when i add in more names of table that is not working i must have that formats wrong in the text to get them all.

    Right now it is showing me a long list of all the totals and permit fees as i added in a totales and premit fees field from the table.
    I do not wnat to see the long list of them just the total?

    After watching so many videos i see it offers a lot of great features i would want so gong to keep working on making this work if i can.

      • John_Halls
      • 2 yrs agoMon, April 25, 2022 at 9:27 AM UTC
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      Edward Hi Edward. I've just sent you a message.

      Regards John

    • Fred
    • 2 yrs agoMon, April 25, 2022 at 9:36 PM UTC
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    I'll use my sport DB as an example. Here is a pic of the top part of one of my dashboards:


    I track two different show jumping leagues in the same DB, so the first field allows me to change leagues. I can then select which team I want to see under Team and it will only show me the teams in each league. Under Season I can select the available seasons that the team has competed in. Under City, I can select a city from all Cities that the team has competed in.

    I have a tab named Work Area that I store fields that I don't need to see but I need for functionality. One of those fields is called allresults. This field goes and gathers all the records from my Results table so I can then then create all the data in the pic above.

    The code for allresults field is:

    let t := this;
    let xSeason := record(Seasons,number(t.Season));
    switch mode do
    case 1:
        Results[TeamID = t.Team.TeamID and Year_calc = xSeason.Year]
    case 4:
        Results[TeamID = t.Team.TeamID and Location.City = t.City]
    case 5:
        Results[TeamID = t.Team.TeamID and Year_calc = xSeason.Year and Location.City = t.City]
        Results[TeamID = t.Team.TeamID]

    What I am doing here is depending on what selections I choose for Team, or Season, or City, or some combo, I will gather the records from my Results table that match the requirements I need.

    I don't use a select because I already have a link from all records in Results to this dashboard. I can very easily add select in front and it will gather the same data.

    You could skip this step and do the above on each stat field, but then if you need to make a change you have to change every single stat field.

    This method allows me to write the following formula for the field Atmp:


    I could not use the allresults field and just put the 12 lines from the allresults field and then change each case to get the sum of attempted, but that is a lot of work. How do I know? Well, maybe I did it that way first. :). Imagine taking the line of stat fields above and adding 12 lines to each of them.

    I hope this helps a bit.

      • Edward.1
      • 2 yrs agoTue, April 26, 2022 at 7:59 AM UTC
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      Fred Thanks i see it but do not understand it all the way to be usefull for me to do what i want..

      Here is a screen shot.
      This is a dashboard area i made and i have it showing two cols, 
      I would like it to only show one row with the full total in each col and not show many rows as it is now.

      Then i need to take the one larger total and subtract the lower amount the fees and give me that total that shows up someplace?

      • John_Halls
      • 2 yrs agoTue, April 26, 2022 at 8:19 AM UTC
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      Edward Can you send the screenshot Edward

      Thanks John

      • Edward.1
      • 2 yrs agoTue, April 26, 2022 at 9:19 AM UTC
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      John Halls Humm i thought i added it.. here

    • Fred
    • 2 yrs agoTue, April 26, 2022 at 4:03 PM UTC
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    How about we start at the beginning so we can walk you through how to setup your dashboard. Your initial post lists a lot of things you want to see. Can you pick one summary data you want to see and tell us the tables (and any relationships) and fields that are involved and we can give examples.

      • Edward.1
      • 2 yrs agoTue, April 26, 2022 at 7:39 PM UTC
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      Fred Here i made a sample version of what i do in Apple numbers with made up numbers for this sample.
      This is the main info i would like to see in the Dashbord.

      We only do around 120 to 140 jobs a year it needs to track.

      I will give more info on my job types and the problems with them to see if this can be fixed better in a bit i have to run out and will be back in a hour or so..
      My job types None of them have the same amount of cols so i guess i need to make each job type into a different table, dont know.

    • Fred
    • 2 yrs agoTue, April 26, 2022 at 8:39 PM UTC
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    I've mocked up what it could look like. Take a look and let me know if you have any questions.

    The table monthYear is there so you can create the Month view. I'm sure someone smarter than me has figured out a way to create a table on the fly that a view element can use. What I did was on Trigger after update on the Date field in Jobs, it goes and checks the monthYear table and if it doesn't find a match then it will create a new record.

    If you end up going this router then you can always hide the table so you don't have to see it.

      • Edward.1
      • 2 yrs agoTue, April 26, 2022 at 9:17 PM UTC
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      Fred How do i load it in

      • Fred
      • 2 yrs agoTue, April 26, 2022 at 10:07 PM UTC
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      Edward at the top level click on import db and select the archive. 

      • Edward.1
      • 2 yrs agoWed, April 27, 2022 at 4:05 AM UTC
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      Fred Ok i did get it loaded in but not sure how to use it with my data.

      I am goign to start a new chat and includ all new samples and info to get help better.

      I will call it Help with wedding base.