Ninext project
good evening to all,
I create this post to organize the Ninext project. For those who are new to it, it is composed of several JavaScript modules that allow you to add badges on tabs and buttons, catch selection events on views, execute JavaScript from Ninox script, inspect dependencies between database fields.
This post is here to talk about the project and the procedure for those who would like to implement it in your databases. I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that this is a test project that evolves regularly and I invite you to be cautious and not to use it on commercial databases for the moment.
The sources of the project are available and downloadable on Github.
Thanks to all of you for all your messages of support and for your help to debug and make the project progress a little more every day .
I made the project initiation procedure evolve thanks to the precious help of M. Daaboul who told me that we could use the Ninox dialog box with HTML code. It is no longer necessary to create a window and an HTML field for this. You just have to copy the code below in the Trigger after open in the Options.
var code := http("GET", "").result;
dialog("Ninext intialization", "<script>
window.exConfigLoadModules = {
completion: false,
badges: true,
evalJS: true,
viewEvent: true,
buttonEvent : true,
fieldsInspector: true,
nativeJS: true,
autoCloseDialog: true
</script>" + code, ["close"])
The dialog box will be displayed stealthily then disappear. If you want it to stay displayed with its "close" button, set the autoCloseDialog parameter to false.
242 replies
Hello everyone,
I have just released version 2.1.3 of Ninext.
It fixes the bug found by Icarus - Ralf Becker . The error message appeared when the searched value was null:
Many thanks to Icarus - Ralf Becker who sent me a video that helped me find this bug.
The new version also contains an improvement in the display of the filters. Before it stayed the same width and ended up being hidden when there was not enough space. Now they adapt to the remaining space and always remain visible.
I've also added a feature I've been missing for a long time, searching for text in the code.
To use it, add codeFinder : true in the Ninext configuration.It is also possible to search with a regular expression :
So I removed the "Native JS" tab that I had put in quickly so that we could find the JS codes. It is now useless.
There is still one point missing that I need to add soon: searching the code in the main functions and the after open trigger. It's coming soon...
Hey Jacques,
I have one request for improvement and two feature suggestions.
As you can see in the picture, some longer texts aren't readable. It would be great, if the text could be marked with the cursor for copy&paste. A really game change for translating a Ninox databases would be an CSV export and import in the localization tab. So tools for automatic translation could be used. What do you think?
Hello every one,
There is a new version of Ninext 2.1.9. I publish it here because several modules are impacted.
DarkMode :
In agreement with Sean , I have removed DarkMode from Ninext. This allows more dynamic updates for both projects.
You can find sean's brilliant work here : :
DebugTracer now displays the value type and its original code.
- Fields & Fx (FieldsInspector) :
- now the field is also found in the code when used on the JSON variable
- the Fields & Fx tab is displayed when the database is first loaded,
- the table and field lists are sorted alphabetically,
- When you click on the red key button, the code editor opens directly for all codes (previously, the editor was displayed directly for formulas and table view columns),
- For global functions, the code is scrolled to the function and the other functions are faded out. All codes return to normal opacity after the first code change.- Codefinder :
- Highlights the code found after opening the code editor:
Many thanks to Icarus - Ralf Becker for helping me track down and fix two bugs:
- Langages :
fixed: custom legends for columns in the view table are systematically replaced by the translation of the field name.
- Badges :
fixed: on the first open record, it is not possible to add a comment. The message "missing parameter: nid" is displayed....
I hope all these improvements will help you manage and debug your code more easily
A new version of Ninext is online : ver 2.1.10.
- Bugfixed: Yesterday Alan Cooke discovered that the Gantt menu display was distorted by Ninext (see the description of the problem here
This was due to the filter box management which I had never had the opportunity to test with the Gantt menu. The problem is solved with this new version.
Thanks to Alan for his patience.
- Improvement: now, the red key button of the popup is only grayed out if a modification has been made in the database or in the displayed code.
This now allows you to switch from one code to another without having to click on the cancel button in the code editor. -
Hello everyone,
I have improved the Ninext popup (rev 2.1.12).
Now you can dock it at the bottom or right of Ninox window :
The position of the popup (floating, bottom or right), the width and height of the dock are saved on the local storage. So when you reopen Ninox, your previous settings are loaded.
Ninox's windows adapt to the width of the dock as best they can, as if the browser were shrunk.
You no longer have to choose between visibility or debugging information. You can now explore your code without being hindered by the popup in the middle of the screen.
I just put rev 2.1.13 of Ninext on line to correct tow things :
- fixed the dock's splitter don't work on Ipad or IPhone.
- following a pertinent remark from Maurice : the visibility of the popup is recorded on the local storage. This allows you to know if it should appear directly when you click on the admin button or not. The first time, it does not appear automatically.
I just published the version 2.1.14 of Ninext with this corrections :
-fixed: on the Ninext popup, the icon representing the field type is sometimes not the right one.
-fixed: in the list of results in codeFinder, the links to other fields do not appear. -
Hi Jacques, since today Ninext have a very long loading time and Ninext ignores the loading parameters of the initialization. It loads a couple of modules, doesn´t matter if the parameter is set true or false, and it doesn´t autoclose the dialog. Maybe you can check this. Thank you.
I published one update, version 2.1.15 with some fixe :
- fixed : After hiding or showing the docked popup, the side editor is incorrectly sized.
- fixed : in the event of a recurring call, Ninox freezes.
- fixed : if config is without fieldsInspector and debugTracer and errorsViewer and codeFinder, Ninext crash on loading.
-improved: in order to avoid unnecessary search time on a part of the text, CodeFinder result list is updated only after the search text field has been output.
I think it will fixe the issue founded by Icarus - Ralf Becker and other users. -
Hi everyone,
I released the version 2.1.16 of Ninext with the follow updates :
- fixed : the language menu is not displayed when the user clicks on the language button.
- fixed: sometimes NativeJS code is compiled before NativeJS is installed and this leaves a false compile error. I added database.resetSchema() at the end of the ninex initialization to solve this problem.
- fixed : in list of code in Ninext popup, when code found contains HTML code, it's interpreted and not displayed.
- fixed : when the browser window is resized, the size of the views does not adapt correctly and the end of the list does not appear.
Good use
First of all, thank you very much for the great extensions for Ninox!
However, I have the following problem with the Fields and FX as well as the Finder function. Unfortunately, not all functions are found. Is there anything I need to be aware of?
I wanted to clean up my database a bit and delete unused functions. Then I saw that they were still being used in a few places. Ninext did not show me this before.
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- 5 hrs agoLast active
- 242Replies
- 5645Views