Search formula fields in another table

Buenos dias, tengo una tabla (Medidas) en la cual tengo 50 campos numericos y 50 campos de formula, en los campos de formula tengo esta formula, si Pos1 >= 0 y Pos1 <= 6000 entonces
    styled("REPLACE", "red")
    if Pos1 >= 6000 and Pos1 <= 6500 entonces
        styled("Plan Substitution", "orange")
        if Pos1 >= 6500 and Pos1 <= 7500 entonces
            styled("OK", "green")
            styled("Measurement Missing", "blue")
dependiendo del valor que le ponga me dara una respuesta como se puede ver en la formula.
Me gustaria que desde una pagina nueva pudiera hacer un llamado a la tabla (Medidas) y que me traiga los campos de formula que estan con el resultado para planificar la Sustitucion es posible. Gracias

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7 replies

    • Fred
    • 2 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    Wow, 50 fields and 50 formula fields. That is a lot. May I recommend that you check out this post. Cause searching 50 fields is a big pain the butt.

    In short, my first suggestion would be create a subtable of Medidas. Or maybe there is a way with a dashboard that eliminates the need for the Medidas table all together. But I would need to know your DB and your work flow better.

    • Angel_Del_Pino_Velez
    • 2 mths ago
    • Reported - view
    Buenos días, adjunto la base de datos. Cada 3 meses leemos los capacitores y los registramos. Mi idea es tener una vista de los que tienen lecturas bajas.
    Gracias de antemano.
      • Fred
      • 2 mths ago
      • Reported - view

      Thanks. What is your experience with databases or programming?

      I'm guessing the headers are different categories that need to be tracked as well?

    • Fred
    • 2 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    Take a look at the attached DB.

    The big change is the new Readings table and data subtable. There is also the Systems table with the attached subtables as well.

    The first thing you see in the Readings table is a dashboard to enter in your data, the first tab. The second tab, Information, has two view elements that show systems that should be SUSTITUIR or Planificar Sustitucion.

    The data table stores all of the individual readings for each system and since it is a subtable where all records are linked to the dashboard, you can quickly do searches.

    I don't know if you are entering in data for all Systems at one time or doing it one at a time. But this is just to show you how it could be done.

    • Angel_Del_Pino_Velez
    • 2 mths ago
    • Reported - view
    The Table is very good, the truth is that it is almost perfect, I use the machine field to be able to relate each measurement with a machine, which would be STS 3, STS 4 and STS 5 and somehow in one view have only the alarms to replace and plan replacement.
    Regarding my programming level, I have been programming some tables for a year but not this level even though I have some very good jobs
      • Angel_Del_Pino_Velez
      • 2 mths ago
      • Reported - view


      Buenas tardes, ya he logrado poner el campo Maquina e incluirlo en los registros, ademas veo que esta realizada la visualización que les comente, muchas gracias por el apoyo brindado
    • Fred
    • 2 mths ago
    • Reported - view

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