Ninox 3.13 available

Dear valued customers and partners,

We're happy to announce that Ninox 3.13 is now available. It comes with new features, a new navigation and many other improvements.

馃搶 For a comprehensive overview, check out the Ninox 3.13 release notes.

62 replies

    • Mel_Charles
    • 7 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    Well that day bug has really screwed up my supplier deliveries as several have mis read guaranteed delivery as 09/10/2024 as now shown. when in fact is should have been 10/09/2024.  So taking an extra month ! thus i am having to ring around to re-negoitate dates and some of the dates slots have gone.

    Looks like the any day now fix might deffo be a few weeks away so I have no choice but to comb through by apps and change all the print pages to have a formula to convert! and will have op reverse this when it is fixed.

    already had 2 cancelled orders !

    Not great .... so well done Ninox ! 馃槦

      • Fred
      • 7 mths ago
      • Reported - view

      That really sucks. Didn't this happen with 3.11 as well?

      • Rafael Sanchis
      • Rafael_Sanchis
      • 6 mths ago
      • Reported - view

       For those of us who work with dates this is a disaster. 馃ぎ

      • szormpas
      • 6 mths ago
      • Reported - view

       I agree 100%. This is a serious problem that needs to be solved immediately.

      • Fred
      • 6 mths ago
      • Reported - view

      What I don't understand is how that issue slipped through since Germany doesn't use the USofA date format.

      • szormpas
      • 6 mths ago
      • Reported - view

        I'm really surprised too! is right, the problem did happen a lot with version 3.12. We fixed it by changing the settings in the browser, but I'm not sure if there's an easy fix now.

    • Ninox partner
    • RoSoft_Steven.1
    • 6 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    You probably mean version 3.12 where the bug had arisen.
    I was still working with version 3.11.8 (private cloud) until now. It appears that the bug was fixed in version 3.13 for me. OK, there did exist a solution to the problem for version 3.12 such as changing the language setting of the browser and changing the Ninox language to Englisch instead of (auto), but for me this was not a good solution to notify all my customers, who were also using different computers in different places with different users. As a result, I had to skip the full release of the new version 3.12 until now.... Maybe a solution for you guys is to reverse the browser and Ninox settings you had done for version 3.12?

    • Rafael Sanchis
    • Rafael_Sanchis
    • 6 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    When working with Dates this is unmanageable

      • Mel_Charles
      • 6 mths ago
      • Reported - view

       Yep Agreed

      Dates all over the place - i rely on groups reports for Agents commissions etc. At the present rate of reporting it's telling they have all won the lottery  !!! 

    • Andrew_Smith
    • 6 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    I may not be searching correctly, but I have not noticed anyone else saying that the 3.13.1  enhancement "Editor in rich text field" has not materialised (as it was meant to in the Public Cloud web that I use). The very limited old editor is stubbornly there. I was eagerly awaiting the feature "Hyperlinks: A dialog box to specify the URL and display text, with links that open in a new tab" in particular, and thatg alonside the other RTF enhancements were going to be a huge bonus to anyone trying to print decent-looking text-based management reports. 
    I contacted support about this over a week ago, and got the usual "I have been able to reproduce both of the issues in question. I will pass them onto our developers to make sure they are logged as bugs, and  get back to you shortly with an update."
    Way back in years, I recall an earlier introduction of an improved RTF field editor, but it was quickly withdrawn as it did not work. 

    • Sean
    • 6 mths ago
    • Reported - view
    When I double click a cell on a main table - it goes into edit mode as expected. but i no longer see the little form slide in arrow thingy that you could click to exit edit mode and slide open the form - Now I have to clock out of the table and load another table then go back or log out !

    I wasn't too interested in the latest version because I only use the Mac app. It's finally out and I can do some testing. For some reason the "slide in arrow thingy" or .hud-right-lash div has been made a child of (moved inside of) the .hud-menu div and they set the top property to 48px so it doesn't really show up (you can see a shadow of it underneath the last record icon). If I set the top property to 0 it shows up and is functional, but it covers most of the last record icon.

    • Rafael Sanchis
    • Rafael_Sanchis
    • 6 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    The fields Date, Date + Time and Time, don't work. Can't add data in this fields.

    • Rafael Sanchis
    • Rafael_Sanchis
    • 6 mths ago
    • Reported - view

    It is absurd that version 3.13.3 for Android comes out and the Dates, Dates + Time and Time fields do not work, it is not possible to include data in those fields.

    poor quality in this version.