Multiple Users

I've gotten help here a couple of times - Thank you everyone. Question - I have the standalone version and save to iCloud. If my wife and I try to access the same database at the same time will be mess things up when it comes to saving our changes? If we do a 2 user online subscription, what happens when 2 people try to access the same database at the same time?

2 replies

    • Mel_Charles
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    I can't answerr re the standalone version .... But 

    I use the cloud version for my business running all manner of productions jobs etc. and Ninox deals with all normal user rights/record locking/sharing as expected.

    However it is worth noting. That 2 people could technically veiw and modify the same record at same time as unlike access

    etc you don't get a message to say another user is in that record and that that record is temp locked.

    so any save is based on the last keystrike on a field etc. even if both people press the same key at same time (there will always be a micro second gap)

    any refresh would be seen by the first user.

    Likewise - say you are both entering an invoice in a blank form and that form has been set to issue an invoice number

    if you both fill them in at same time and save - there will be 2 new forms with a unique invoice number in them.

    Hope that helps

    • daviddilworth
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Thank you, Mel