simple Payment receipt table setup
Anyone has simple Payment receipt table setup? I am looking for DB that can record an invoice no, date of posting, adv payment with date,and final payment with date and reporting for these.
4 replies
Have you looked that the invoice or accounting DB template that is built into Ninox? When you create a new DB you can select either template.
Hi Fred,
Yes, I tried that one, it is missing the daily cash book. I simply want to know how much I got paid on a particular day and which invoice nos. I tired myself, but it got little complicted since we have adv and final payment for an order. I am only able to track 1 date. So for ex: Client A paid me 100$ adv on 1st, and 300$ on the 10th, by dailycash book should show 100 on 1st and 300 on the 10th, but the one i tried, it shows both 100 and 300 on the 10th.
Which template did you end up using?
I ask so I can take a look at it.
Which table are looking at to see what you got paid on a particular day?
Thanks Fred,
we managed to do a work around with my current table.
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- 3 yrs agoLast active
- 4Replies
- 170Views