Bigger or equal…



I have a formula in wich I should like to put the math symbol > or =

I am on an Ipad and the virtual keyboard have not that possibility; just touch > or touch =;  but not the math symbol with the two of them in the same touch.


So I tried to put in my formula



= or >


= and >

But I get errors every time.


Could someone help me ?


Thanks if you do.

49 replies

    • Fred
    • 3 yrs ago
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    If Noms = Colonne14 then why not just use Colonne14? With troubleshooting you need to go back to the simplest form. Verify that you using the raw data and not other formula fields. Maybe create a new view with just the fields you need so you can see all relevent data or arrange the columns so they are all close to each other.

    • Addinsell
    • 3 yrs ago
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    I changed as you say (Colonne14 and Noms) and now I have number 0 at each records !

    How can I retrieve recover them ?

    • Fred
    • 3 yrs ago
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    What did you change? Just change whatever you just did back.

    • Addinsell
    • 3 yrs ago
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    • Fred
    • 3 yrs ago
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    You made Noms(colonne14) = 0. So what do you think would happen when you did that? Just change everything back.


    I was talking about changing the Formule doublons Noms, but maybe you shouldn't change anything. I don't seem to be helping much. Maybe someone else can see something that I am missing.


    In my simple DB it works: the third column shows how many times the person's name appear. Suzan shows up 3 times so Duplicate appears. SeoJung only shows up once so it is empty. The record with no name shows up as empty.

    Screen Shot 2021-04-22 at 4.32.10 PM

    Maybe you can create a new DB with just a few records and try out the formula again. Then you can troubleshoot the larger db. Good luck.

    • Fred
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Re-reading my last comment and I am embarrassed that I wrote it. I am very sorry for it. you deserve to be treated with dignity. 

    • Addinsell
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Hi Fred,

    Don't bother, you have been already so patient.Thanks again.

     Well I had a lot of duplicates : 1109 !

    The app was very slow…

    I succeed in removing it.

    Now it is ok for that.

    I come back to you because, as the base looks clean now, I should like to resolve the issue of duplicates and no duplicates.

    As you can see on the base I have a column "Premier mot" and next to it "Doublon premier mot" that I just created with the last formula you gave to me.


    The "no duplicate" match with the "Premier mot" wich are alone but there are no "no duplicate" for them wich have plus one of display.

    Accenteur, Agrobate are alone the field is blank, ok.

    But Aigrette or Albatros wich are few (more thab one) are displayed as "duplicate"…

    So I can't get a reliable list of "Premier mot" 

    Here is my formula :


    let myV := 'Premier mot';

    if myV = null then



    if cnt(select 'Oiseaux famille genres espéces' where 'Premier mot'= myV) > 1 then







    Thanks to check where is the issue.

    • Addinsell
    • 3 yrs ago
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    • John_Halls
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Hi All


    I'm not so sure about having select statements in a formula field and what the conditions are that trigger them to be re-evaluated. It could be that on first creating the formula field and showing it in the table view all of the records are showing their correct values but maybe you can then remove the duplicates and still have the remaining one record showing as duplicate.


    Would it be better to have the code in a button and loop through all the records. It would update a text field instead of a formula field. I would also amend the code to show one master record and have additional ones as duplicate records per name.


    Regards John

    • John_Halls
    • 3 yrs ago
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    If you text field is called isDuplicate then this will work


    let a := "";
    for b in (select 'Oiseaux famille genres espéces') order by 'Premier mot' do
    if a = b.'Premier mot' then
    b.(isDuplicate := "Duplicate")
    b.(isDuplicate := "Main")
    a := b.'Premier mot'


    Don't forget to re run the code after you have done some tidying up

    • Addinsell
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Thank you John.


    Why do you ask "If you text field is called "is Duplicate" then this will work" ?

    As you can see on the capture, the column involved is "Premier mot" (first word).

    • Addinsell
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Unless you speak about the "Duplicate 1° mot" column next to the column "Premier mot" ?

    • Addinsell
    • 3 yrs ago
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    I tried with that hypothese :

    I get that error :

    "A column has not been find si on the line 3, column 3"


    • John_Halls
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Your previous method used a formula field to calculate if the record is duplicate or not.  My method uses a text field to caputure whether your record is duplicate or not and you can call your new text field whatever you want to call it, I have used the name isDuplicate. You can see from my code that it is checking 'Permier mot" from the line


    if a = b.'Premier mot' then


    and updatiing the text field I have called isDuplicate here


    b.(isDuplicate := "Duplicate")


    or here


    b.(isDuplicate := "Main")


    the sign = is checking an equality, does this equal that wheras the sign := assigns the value shown to the right of the sign to a variable or field to the left of the sign 


    let's run through what my code is doing. The first line sets a variable to a blank value not found in Permiere mot. The next line says lets run through every record in your table, sorted by Premiere mot so that they will be evaluated in that order. The next line asks if the variable has the same value as the first record. If it does then isDuplicate is set to "Duplicate" and if it doesn't then set isDuplicate to "Main" (it's the first time we have come across this name). Now we set the variable a to this name and go back to the table and run the same process with the next record. In you screenshot above this would translate to


    a = "". Does "" equal Accentur? No, then set isDuplicate to "Main" and set a to Accentur.

    a = Accetur.  Does Accentur equal Agrobate? No, then set isDuplicate to "Main" and set a to Agrobate

    a = Agrobate. Does Agrobate equal Aigle? No, then set isDuplicate to "Main" and set a to Aigle

    a = Aigle. Does Aigle equal Aigrette? No, then set isDuplicate to "Main" and set a to Aigrette

    a = Aigrette. Does Aigrette equal Aigrette? Yes, then set isDuplicate to "Duplicate" and set a to Aigrette



    I hope that makes sense.


    Regards John

    • Addinsell
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Thank you so much John.

    That is very clear now. I know a lot more about this kind of formula.

    Nevertheless I get always the same kind of error :07340A87-5ABC-4E3B-A669-5B736B8214EF "A column has not been find si on the line 6, column 6"

    Should not "si" be "if" ?

    • Addinsell
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Sorry :  "3" not "6" !

    • Addinsell
    • 3 yrs ago
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    I also modified in the formula "isduplicate" the name of the field > "isDuplicate" 

    • Ninox partner
    • RoSoft_Steven.1
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Yes you are right , "si" must be "if" - "alors" must be "then" - "sinon" must be "else" - "fin" must be "end".

    The code must always be in Ninoxlanguage (Anglais). 😉

    • Addinsell
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Thanks Steven


    Now I get the error "a column has not been find : isDuplicate on the line 4, column 18"


    "isDuplicate" is in fact the name of the field where I create the formula…

    It's impossible !


    I have to create another field : a field of formula to create this formula, haven'I ?


    Moreover John said "I use a field text" but how can you create a formula with a field text ? I needed to create 2 fields : one text and one formula.

    Am I right ?

    • Addinsell
    • 3 yrs ago
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    • Addinsell
    • 3 yrs ago
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    So I tried that :

    One field text > "isDuplicate"

    One field formula > "isDuplicate formula"


    I put the John's formula in "isDuplicate formula"


    Now I get the error  : "this formula can't modify datas" !



    • Addinsell
    • 3 yrs ago
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    • John_Halls
    • 3 yrs ago
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    My code goes in a button not a formula field. isDuplicate is a text field. Lots of little miastakes in your code like a space between b, and 'Premier mot'  and a missing single quote at the end on the last but one line. If you just copy and paste my code I think it will work. But put it in a button. It's designed to run just once.

    • Addinsell
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Yay !

    That's it !

    It works.

    Thanks so much John.


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