Transferring database from Ninox Cloud to iCloud
Hi there, I recently purchased the desktop version of Ninox and I've created my database and started filling it with information.
I won't be using the Ninox Cloud to store my data going forward, I will be using Apple iCloud instead.
I can see my trial of the Ninox Cloud will expire next month...will the database/data automatically default to iCloud after the trial or do I need to do something beforehand?
Thanks for your help.
7 replies
1. You have to download a backup of your database to your computer.
2. Then, open Ninox Mac app and choose "Import archive" and import the downloaded backup.
3. Choose Local or iCloud and then Import Database.
2. Then, in the first tab "My Databases" choose "Import archive" and import the downloaded backup.
That's great. Thanks for your help.
Everything worked ok thanks Nick...except for my logo on pdf documents. For some reason the static images will not appear in the generated pdf for documents associated with the iCloud version of my databsae. Everything looks ok with my logo image on the Ninox Cloud version. Any thoughts?
Hi Rob,
I don't know about this problem. Maybe a Ninox Mac app bug? Another user reports something similar, look here
I did a test with the Ninox Invoices template.
The logo appear fine in the generated pdf. Can you try it?
Thanks for getting back to me again Nick. I tried the Ninox Invoices template (using iCloud) and I have the same problem with the pre-filled Ninox invoice. The provided image appears ok in the document template but is missing from the generated pdf. I tried adding a screen shot on here but the image attachement function doesn't seem to work on this forum.
I did follow the link you provided and ahve replicated what the other user is experiencing with my database; my image does appear on the pdf generated via the iPad but not from the iMac app.
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- 4 yrs agoLast active
- 7Replies
- 777Views