Undo the action of a button with another button


I create a button to remove the duplicates of a column

And I should like to go back.

Is there a way to create a button able to undo the action of the first one ?


6 replies

    • Mel_Charles
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    If you deleted data - one its gone - it has GONE - so you are into restoring from a backup or if on web version restore back and to new name and export the records out and into your existing database.

    Otherwise (not quite sure what you are saying here) if the duplicates was an extra column err dupliciting anther columns data and you removed that column?. Was this just in a view if so put the view back - if in actual data, set up a furmula as the duplicated or sert the filed and abutton and set it to coy the filed to new field

    • Addinsell
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Tkans Mel

    you say :

    "set up a furmula as the duplicated or sert the filed and abutton and set it to coy the filed to new field"

    I am French and it is not easy for me to guess what means the underlined words.

    Could you explain me  this words ?

    • Addinsell
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Sorry the underlined words ate not shown.

    They are "sert" and "coy"

    • Addinsell
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    And "filed"

    • Mel_Charles
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Basically - I am saying

    If you deleted a field from a table and that field had data in it - then once you have deleted that field the data will be gone !

    So you can either restore from a backup prior to your action or if you have the data in a csv file - recreate the field and import it using a key field as the link.


    However you said a duplicates of a column? - If i read this right I think you might be asking duplicate records in a table

    Do you mean that you had a button that activated a scipt that deleted all records where it found duplicates of that records



    record 1 - jim smith

    record 2 - jim smith

    keep record 1 and delete record 2


    Golden Rule: when triggering scripts that delete bulk loads of data!

    Before running do a back up first!

    • Addinsell
    • 3 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    No Mel, I created a button to display the duplicates and the no duplicatres in a column and after I removed the dupicates