send e-mail problem

Hello. Please help me to set up nminox app to send e-mails with attachment via native apple mail prog 🙏🏼.

I tried to set up the e-mail function (sendEmail({
from: "sebard@mail.ru",
to: "uralbuild@mail.ru",
subject: "Hello World!",
text: "Some text",
html: "<h1>Some Text</h1><i>With Markup</i>"}) but i failed. nothing happens after clicking button and uralbuild@mail.ru don't recieve the message.

6 replies

    • Ninox partner
    • RoSoft_Steven.1
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Are you aware it's only possible to send email from within ninox if you have cloud account? And the 'send from' has to be your ninox-account team email.


      • Standpunktet
      • Jan_Inge_Iversen.1
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

      What the heck???

      • Ninox partner
      • RoSoft_Steven.1
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

      Jan Inge Iversen well, this with the sendEmail() function. Sending the email with a email field works fine.

      • Standpunktet
      • Jan_Inge_Iversen.1
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

      Well, I can`t get that function to work inside the app, do you know why?
      It should be possible to "recall" the function in E-mail field and use it in a button, shouldn't it?

    • azure_pencil
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    now it is wright you say.

      • Mel_Charles
      • 1 yr ago
      • Reported - view

      Попов Всеволод 


      here is a couple of my scripts using SendEmail to show you what is possible

      Order acknowledgement

      if not 'Email+' then
          alert("No valid contact in email field")
          if AckFlag = 1 then
              alert("Confirmation already sent!")
              let myPdf := printAndSaveRecord(this, "OrderConf");
              let myName := "Order Confirmation.pdf";
              let thisBody := first((select SystemFile).OrderConfirmationLetter);
              let myEmail := userEmail();
              thisBody := replace(thisBody, "{Ord Company}", text('Ordered By'));
              thisBody := replace(thisBody, "{Job Bag}", text('Job Bag'));
              thisBody := replace(thisBody, "{Order Date}", text('Order Date'));
              thisBody := replace(thisBody, "{Order Name}", 'Order Name');
              thisBody := replace(thisBody, "{Order Ref}", 'Order Ref');
              thisBody := replace(thisBody, "{Qty}", text(Qty));
              thisBody := replace(thisBody, "{Desc}", Desc);
              thisBody := replace(thisBody, "{Total Sell}", text('Total Sell'));
              thisBody := replace(thisBody, "{Comment}", text('Order Confirmation Comment'));
              thisBody := replace(thisBody, "{Del Company}", text('Delivery To'));
              thisBody := replace(thisBody, "{Del Address}", text('Delivery Address'));
              OrderConfirmation := importFile(this, myPdf, myName);
              AckFlag := 1;
                  from: myEmail,
                  to: 'Email+',
                  subject: "Order Acknowledgement from test company",
                  text: "Order Confirmation",
                  html: thisBody
              alert("Order Confirmation Email has been Sent")


      and another that picks up an attachment


      Goods Dispatched

              if DispFlag = 1 then
                  alert("Dispatched Confirmation already sent!")
                  let thisBody := first((select SystemFile).OrderDispatchedLetter);
                  let myEmail := userEmail();
                  let myAtt := first(files(record(SystemFile,1)));
                  thisBody := replace(thisBody, "{Ord Company}", text('Ordered By'));
                  thisBody := replace(thisBody, "{Order Name}", text('Order Name'));
                  thisBody := replace(thisBody, "{Job Bag}", text('Job Bag'));
                  thisBody := replace(thisBody, "{Order Date}", text('Order Date'));
                 DispFlag := 1;
                      from: myEmail,
                      to: 'Email+',
                      subject: "Your order has been dispatched by Test Company",
                      text: "Goods Dispatched Confirmation",
                      html: thisBody,
                      attachments: myAtt
                  alert("Goods Dispatched Email has been Sent");
                  DisplayMenu := 1

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