Copy a discount from the Costumer sheet subtable to Ordered Product subtable

Hello, I've a table calle Customers with a subtable called Customers sheet, inside there are the products a custumer buy regurarly. Sometimes they have a discount on specific product which is written in the costumer sheet subtable.

I've another table called Orders, where i add a date, with a subtable called Ordered product, where i add the product they buy, here a l'ld like to copy the specific discount some customers has on some specific products but if I use the formula Orders.Customer.'Customer sheet'.Discount i get an array with all the discounts the customer has instead of the specific discount on the product inside his customer sheet.
Can you help me? am I missing something? Tks

3 replies

    • Ninox partner
    • RoSoft_Steven.1
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    first(Orders.Customer.'Customer sheet'.Discount) not working?

    • Lorenzo_Milani
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi thanks for helping me, that formula gives me the first discount in the array (or the first discount on the first product in the costumer sheet), as expected.

    I want the discount the custumer has on that specific product, not the first it finds.

    • Lorenzo_Milani
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Following the ninoxus guy on youtube I think i've to start creating a variable like let x:=Orders.Customer.'Customer sheet'.Discount but i do not know how to finish it