"ImportFile" error with Api Google Maps
Can someone explain me what is the error in the importFile-line?
"//Define some variables first";
let Loc1 := urlEncode(text(Location1));
let Loc2 := urlEncode(text(Location2));
let Loc3 := urlEncode(text(Location3));
let Center := urlEncode(text('Map-Center (if left emty = auto center)'));
"//Building URL field";
if 'Your-API-Key' = null then
alert("Please Enter a working API Key")
let myURL := "http://maps.google.com/maps/api/staticmap?" + if 'Map-Center (if left emty = auto center)' then
"center=" + Center
end + "&zoom=" + 'Zoom Ratio' + "&size=512x512&maptype=" + text(MapType) + "&markers=color:" + text(Color1) + "|label:" + text(Label1) + "|" + Loc1 + "&markers=color:" + text(Color2) + "|label:" + text(Label2) + "|" + Loc2 + "&markers=color:" + text(Color3) + "|label:" + text(Label3) + "|" + Loc3 + "&sensor=false&key=" + 'Your-API-Key';
"//Putting the URL in the URL-Field to display";
URL := myURL;
"//Delete the existing picture";
Map := null;
"//Getting the URL-image from internet and display it in the picture field";
importFile(this, URL, "map.png")
7 replies
I forgot to put the last line:
Map := first(files(this))
anyway..it doesn't work :(
Are you using a valid API key?
If not, you can open the created URL field manually to check if there's a map displayed or not.
I've seen this code before BTW. The API key i've provided in the example database is no longer valid if that's the case...
Hi Steven, Api is valid. I've updated Ninox and now it works :)
Anyway, I'm trying now to calculate the distance between two point (2 ubication field) with this formula and the api is valid for distance matrix:
let response := http("GET", "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/distancematrix/json?units=imperial&origins=" + latitude(Fiera.Indirizzo) + longitude(Fiera.Indirizzo) + "&destinations=" + latitude(Indirizzo) + longitude(Indirizzo) + "&key=API KEY");
if response.error then
Distanza := text(response.result.rows.'0'.elements.'0'.distance.text)
endSomething doesn't work. I don't get any result in the text field DISTANZA. Do I have to manually insert latitude and longitude in the ubication fields?? If yes is there any trigger to make automaticly two fields with coordinates for each ubication field?
The error when I press the button is "Request failed: error-"
I've updated the code because there were a few erros. In bold what I've added:
let response := http("GET", "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/distancematrix/json?units=imperial&origins=" + 'Latitudine Fiera' + "," + 'Longitudine Fiera' + "&destinations=" + 'Latitudine Hotel' + "," + 'Longitudine Hotel' + "&key=AIzaSyA3_jo5cg0FHTjVtzbZ7L2kbHb7tRY9kt4");
if response.error then
Distance := text(response.result.rows.'0'.elements.'0'.distance.text)
endNow I've made 2 formulafields with the latitude and longitude of each location and replaced that parts in the code but nothing changed. Always the same error
I've canceled the Api I've posted before. I've checked the URL
I've replaced the comma with dots in the latitude and longitude.
Before,with the comma, the result was:
"destination_addresses" : [ "" ],
"origin_addresses" : [ "" ],
"rows" : [
"elements" : [
"status" : "NOT_FOUND"
"status" : "OK"
and now the result is:
"destination_addresses" : [ "Via Monte Pastello, 28, 37057 San Giovanni Lupatoto VR, Italia" ],
"origin_addresses" : [ "Viale del Lavoro, 8, 37135 Verona VR, Italia" ],
"rows" : [
"elements" : [
"distance" : {
"text" : "5,0 km",
"value" : 5048
"duration" : {
"text" : "11 min",
"value" : 684
"status" : "OK"
"status" : "OK"
So, how can I replace the comma of latitude and longitude automatically?
Anyway I don't get the result in the texfield "distance":(
I found the formula to replace the comma with a dot
replace (YourField,",",".")
Has someone a solution to fix the error in the last two strings of the importfield?
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- 4 yrs agoLast active
- 7Replies
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