
I made a comprehensive trading system for my job.

i have 3 table. Customer and supplier and Article.

customer related with invoice and invoice related with invoice item.

also same about supplier.(supplier,invoice sup,invoice item sup) and Article is my items list about goods.(information goods. Example: O.E.M number and item number and description and color and etc).


how can move from “invoice item sup” to invoice of my customer when i make price for my customer?(for example for my customer B)?

i want make a button and when push button then send this Article (item no, Qty,price to customer) to invoice of my customer.(send to specific customer. For example : customer B or C)

3 replies

    • saeedr50
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    I am waiting ....

    • Mconneen
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hey @saeedr50..

    DISCLAIMER.. I do NOT work for Ninox.. just a huge fan!! 

    the description is a bit cryptic.. but basically . the "push button" would "create" the other table object / rows for you... Upon a (very) quick review of the data model above.. you want to duplicate entries and stil point to the same Article.   

    If you are "waiting".. I suggest that your review 


    and either book a support appointment with them.. (THEY ARE GREAT)  or register for one of their weekly seminars to address your topic. 

    Let me know if you are still struggling. 

    • New_Sun
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    thank you. i will send this problem to support of ninox and i hope solve it.