State of payments
i have a table (Payments) where I store all the payments that has been done for each student.
Each payment has a date, a description, a payment method, an amount and an actual payer (mother, father, others...).
When I print the state of payments, I want to be able to see only the payments done by a selected payer for a selected student.
The 'join' function works fine for the purpose, but I get a badly aligned text which hurts the sight. I thought rPad and lPad could solve the problem, but it seems not...
This is the formula I used :
let xStud := record(Student,number(Person));
let xYear := record(SchoolYear,number(SchoolYear));
let xPayer := record(Payments,number(Payer));
switch Payer do
case 1:
join((select Payments)[Student = xStud and SchoolYear = xYear and Payer = xPayer].(Date + " " + rpad (text(Description), 80, " ") + " " + lpad(text(Amount), 10, " ")), "
case 2:
join((select Payments)[Student = xStud and SchoolYear = xYear and Payer = xPayer].(Date + " " + rpad (text(Description), 80, " ") + " " + lpad(text(Amount), 10, " ")), "
case 3:
join((select Payments)[Student = xStud and SchoolYear = xYear and Payer = xPayer].(Date + " " + rpad (text(Description), 80, " ") + " " + lpad(text(Amount), 10, " ")), "
case 4:
join((select Payments)[Student = xStud and SchoolYear = xYear].(Date + " " + rpad (text(Description), 80, " ") + " " + lpad(text(Amount), 10, " ")), "
and this is the alignment I get:
Basically, I need to get stuff distanced and aligned correctly (eg: amount must be aligned on the right.
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- 2 yrs agoLast active
- 34Views