HTML text format doesn't work in view print preview
I'm using the html() function in formulas to make selected text bold (SECURITY DEPOSIT), leaving text before and after at the default setting:
... Premises." + html("<b>SECURITY DEPOSIT</b>") + ": The payment ...
However, the bold tags don't work when the formula is used in a "View" layout, in "Print Preview", or in the pdf output. I've attached screen shots of the formula text with html code, and the View output.
Prior posts also struggle with this. Rich text isn't an option since the source needs to be in a formula, and there is only one text option in the view mode. While it is possible to break up the text into individual segments and format each separately in the View mode, it is impractical given many paragraphs over several pages.
I'm hoping there is a more direct approach to this formatting problem. Thanks in advance for your insight.
(using the App version 3.5.14)
8 replies
With some research, I found the following in the manual, likely identifying my problem, since a Rich text field is not an option in making a View layout:
In a normal text field, any HTML tags will not be interpreted but simply displayed as text.
In a Rich text field, the text will be formatted according to the HTML tags.
Has anyone found a work-around?
As I understand it the Print Engine does not print HTML by default. This needs to be requested using asking them to implement HTML for your printing. Once that is done you should be fine. This is for a Cloud account, not sure about the others.
This seems unlikely to be a platform issue (using a Mac App). Text formatting in formulas (either Rich text or html) disappears when I click on the print icon (is that the 'print engine?) --consistent with the manual notes. Doesn't re-appear in the pdf output.
I'll check with Support and see if there's anything that can be done with my Mac App.
Swapped emails with Ninox support. "It is true that we in support can activate a printing engine for a Ninox Cloud user but that is covering only special characters (for example greek alphabet)." A helpful clarification, but not my issue, and I use the Mac app.
However, they pointed you can use the html() function for text in formulas in the app; an example: html('Field1' + "<br> <b>" + 'Field2' + "</b>"). With fiddling, I got this to work. The syntax with tags and quotes is tricky, but achieves basic formatting that works with the print engine.
Many thanks for the community support!
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- 2 yrs agoLast active
- 8Replies
- 573Views