Regarding issues with editing the chart code

Hello everyone! Through studying the dashboard template Dashboard Template  shared by Sotirios Zormpas, I have learned chart code. The following code already implements the display of accumulated data for a specific month. However, I still want to improve this feature. Thanks for your help! Thanks in advance.


  • The time displayed in the chart does not show the complete days of the month, and I have set the code as follows(At the bottom.)..However, the view did not display correctly. Could you please tell me where the issue might be?  
let fullDates := for i in range(1, 31) do
        if i < 10 then "0" + text(i) else text(i) end
let Timeperiod := (select 'Orders')[month(date('data')) = 5];
let onlytime := unique(Timeperiod.'data');
let cumulative := 0;
let AAAAAA := for luo1 in fullDates do


  • I want to compare the cumulative data for April. How can I display them in a single chart? How should the code be adjusted?

let Timeperiod := (select 'Orders')[month(date('data')) = 5];
let onlytime := unique(Timeperiod.'data');
let cumulative := 0;
let AAAAAA := for luo1 in onlytime do
        let Datadata := sum(Timeperiod['data' = luo1].'money');
        cumulative := cumulative + Datadata;
            name: luo1,
            cumulative: cumulative
let chartOptions04 := {
        title: {
            text: ""
        tooltip: {
            trigger: "axis"
        legend: {
            top: "name"
        grid: {
            left: "3%",
            right: "4%",
            bottom: "3%",
            containLabel: true
        dataset: [{
                source: AAAAAA
        xAxis: {
            type: "category",
            encode: {
                x: "name"
        yAxis: {
            type: "value",
            axisLabel: {
                interval: 0
        series: [{
                name: "name",
                type: "line",
                smooth: true,
                seriesLayoutBy: "row",
                stack: "total",
                label: {
                    show: false
                emphasis: {
                    focus: "series"
                encode: {
                    x: "name",
                    y: "cumulative"

3 replies

    • gold_cat
    • 3 days ago
    • Reported - view

     I used AI to write the following code. It can work! But there are still some small issues. That is, for some months and dates, there is no data. However, the data lines still fill up from the 1st to the 31st.For example, there is data from the 1st to the 5th and from the 10th to the 20th. Can it be displayed at intervals?

    let fixedDates := range(1, 32);
    let monthsToCompare := [6, 5, 4];
    let allMonthsData := for month in monthsToCompare do
            let monthData := ((select '订单出库')[month(date('开始')) = month and year(date('开始')) = year(today())] order by number('开始'));
            let cumulativeTotal := 0;
            let monthEntries := for day in fixedDates do
                    let dailyTotal := sum(monthData[day(date('开始')) = day].'总价');
                    cumulativeTotal := cumulativeTotal + dailyTotal;
                        day: day,
                        cumulativeBaijiu: cumulativeTotal,
                        month: month
    let cumulativeData := for monthData in allMonthsData do
            for entry in monthData do
    let chartOptions := {
            title: {},
            tooltip: {
                trigger: "axis"
            legend: {
                top: "top"
            grid: {
                left: "3%",
                right: "4%",
                bottom: "3%",
                containLabel: true
            xAxis: {
                type: "category",
                data: fixedDates
            yAxis: {
                type: "value",
                axisLabel: {
                    interval: 0
            series: for monthData in allMonthsData do
                    name: first(monthData).month + "月",
                    type: "line",
                    smooth: true,
                    showSymbol: false,
                    data: for XX in monthData do
      • Rafael Sanchis
      • Rafael_Sanchis
      • 3 days ago
      • Reported - view


      The script

      let Data := ((select 'Progress-Cost Report') order by 'Date CutOff');
      let DataDates := Data.format('Date CutOff', "DD/MMM");
      let DataRow1 := Data.'Total Plan Value';
      let DataRow2 := Data.'Total Earned Value';
      let DataRow3 := Data.'Cumulative Cost';
      let vLegend := for i in DataDates do
              "'" + i +
              if not i = item(DataDates, count(DataDates)) then
      let vDataLine1 := for j in DataRow1 do
              j +
              if not j = item(DataRow1, count(DataRow1)) then
      let vDataLine2 := for k in DataRow2 do
              k +
              if not k = item(DataRow2, count(DataRow2)) then
      let vDataLine3 := for k in DataRow3 do
              k +
              if not k = item(DataRow3, count(DataRow3)) then
      let vInit := if DarkMode then
              "echarts.init(chartDom, 'dark')"
      html(eChartQuell() +
      <div id='Graph1' style='width:100%; height:100%;'></div>
          <script type='text/javascript'>
           var chartDom = document.getElementById('Graph1');
                  var myChart = " +
      vInit +
                  var option;
                  option = {
      title: {
              text: '  📈 Earned Value  Curve',
              subtext: ' Project: OCEMI - MACOLLA H1B PETROPIAR, S.A.',
              left: 'left',
                  textStyle: {
                       fontSize: 14
      legend: {
                              top: 'top',
                  data: ['Planned Value', 'Earned Value', 'Cumulative Cost']
      tooltip: {
              trigger: 'axis',
                  show: true
      toolbox: {
      orient: 'vertical',
      left: 'right',
      top: 'center',
          feature: {
              title: 'Data View',
              mark: { show: true },
          saveAsImage: {show: true},
              dataView : {show: true, readOnly: false},
              restore: {},
              magicType: {
                   type: ['line', 'bar']
        xAxis: {
          type: 'category',
          data: [" +
      vLegend +
        yAxis: {
          type: 'value'
        series: [
            name: 'Planned Value',
            type: 'line',
            data:  [" +
      vDataLine1 +
            name: 'Earned Value',
            type: 'line',
            data:  [" +
      vDataLine2 +
            name: 'Cumulative Cost',
            type: 'line',
            data:  [" +
      vDataLine3 +
                  option && myChart.setOption(option);
      • gold_cat
      • 3 days ago
      • Reported - view


      Hi Rafael, thanks for sharing. I've reviewed your code and we have some differences. Your displayed values are associated with each date-related entry, so they are bound to the date. However, mine are calculated by code, so the dates are not aligned...

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