How to disable Create Record button in reference
This topic was brought up 4 years ago and was closed with a reply about the cloud version of Ninox, however there was no solution suggested for the local Mac app version of Ninox.
Can someone please advise how can we do the following:
1. Disable the little "+" sign in the reference field on the form for local Mac app version.
2. How to disable a normal button on the form when a new record is created and then activate that button based on a condition from inside a script.
Context: I want the "Create Invoice" button to stay disabled from the start (record creation) on a new Sales Order form and only activate that button when the sales order is confirmed (upon pressing the "Confirm Sales Order" button).
21 replies
Check out this post.
You did ask this:
Can someone please advise how can we do the following:
1. Disable the little "+" sign in the reference field on the form for local Mac app was the post helpful in doing that?
as always there will be several ways to do what you want.
Okay some simple possibilities based on areas i have in place on some of my older databases
Requirement - 1:
Initially when we create a new record in the Sale Orders table, both "Confirm Sale Order" and "Create Invoice" buttons should be greyed out/disabled.
okay on one of my database i use duplicate buttons for each stage
Confirm Sale button 1 (used for display only and is set to light grey! - no coding attached other than set to hide when button 2 appears
ie Confirm Sale button 2 (which has action script / attached) is in colour and set to only be visible when x conditions are met) and button 1 then hides - thus occupying the same form space
Requirement - 2:
I use a job status choice field and this is set to auto upadte depending upn other conditions BUT i don't wnat users to aleter it other than me (and don't want to set various user rights) So I place this file on a tab page that itself is only visible to me as Admin
Then on the front page I have a formula that simply references that field.
Requirement - 3: Export
just set a form view and add every field you want the export the db.
you might want to look at the latest methods for exporting to Excel too. so you can export parent/child table info
I'm on the cloud version only - if you are on cloud version you can keep multiple copies of the same database. I do used the mac only version so not sure if you can back up your local and the restore to a cloud version - thus other users should be able to advise you better
Nioxus is a good place to start
Is it possible in Ninox to export a particular table from a database and import that table with data or just the structure into another database.A bit of testing on the cloud you can only import data with a csv. This will also allow you to import the data structure and data, see the pic below.
The problem is that you can't import formulas or subtables.
In the MacOS app you can import another Ninox DB that is stored in your My Databases workspace, see pics below:
So maybe you can download the cloud DB to your Mac. Merge in the tables you want from the other DB then upload the modified DB to the cloud.
Re FileMaker, I'd say beware what you wish for. I have used FileMaker for 20 years and, yes, it has immense power but if yours is anything other than a small project it will require detailed planning before you put finger to key. I have written an ERP system for my business in FileMaker and I have four aborted attempts to my name. I ended up writing a framework in FileMaker, and then used that to prevent me from tying myself up in knots. Ninox has been a breath of fresh air for me.
I have comissiod bespoke solutions and also used Dataflex/Dataease/Filemaker/Access and yet Ninox is streets ahead of the in terms of getting databases up and running rapidly including sharing on the web. Sure the other stuff have had years to develop the user front end etc. But all are guilty of being a pig to get to grips with once you want to go beyond the basics and want to start to really delve into.
For me Ninox was a breath of fresh air and allowed me to rapidly change how I run my business and throw out unconnected junk (in house servers etc) that was not fit for purpose. Sure it is not perfect but guess what! - Neither am I !
Ninox currently is ahead of me in terms of what functionally I require thus I am always on a learning journey. Personally I would like to see more standard plus ins like direct link apps to Sage Accounts/Mail Lite etc rather than having to rely on exported CVS.s but I guess these will come in time.
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- 7 mths agoLast active
- 21Replies
- 206Views