How to auto create new record every day?

I have to create a daily record, but I have to hit the button every time. Now I want to use loop function to create new record every day. can someone show me how please?

29 replies

    • Fred
    • 10 mths ago
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    There isn't a way to run a script based on time.

    You can do the create() command when you open the DB, Trigger on open. You can add code that will check if a record for the day already exist and only create a record if there is not a record for the day.

      • Nguyen_Nhat_Dong
      • 10 mths ago
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       can you please give me a code for example?

      • Nguyen_Nhat_Dong
      • 10 mths ago
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       sorry I was just newbie with this.

      • Fred
      • 10 mths ago
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       what is the name of the table and the name of the fields that you want set when a new record is created?

      • Nguyen_Nhat_Dong
      • 10 mths ago
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       table named : "THU/CHI", name of the field is "CHUYEN HANG". I want to auto create the record and in the field name "CHUYEN HANG", I want it set to the lastest records since "CHUYEN HANG" is the relationship field.

    • Fred
    • 10 mths ago
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    Try creating a button on the Home table with:

    create 'THU/CHI'

    Now if we add this to the Trigger on open for the DB then it will create a record everytime you open DB and that is not good. So we need to add some logic.

    You can then modify the button code to:

    let anyOldRecs := select 'THU/CHI' where NGAY = today();
    if count(anyOldRecs) < 1 then
        create 'THU/CHI'

    So if you try it out, it shouldn't create a record since you already did for today. If you delete the record with today's date then click the button it should work.

    If all this works then copy the code to the Trigger after open for the your DB.

    • Nguyen_Nhat_Dong
    • 10 mths ago
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    @Fred there is something wrong with this formular. It keep create 2 record, and I have to delete, when  it happen every time. 

    please help me.

    let anyOldRecs := select 'THU/CHI' where NGAY = today();
    if count(anyOldRecs) < 1 then
        create 'THU/CHI'
    • Nguyen_Nhat_Dong
    • 10 mths ago
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    Everytime I trigger it, some time it create 1 record and I try to trigger it many times it is not create another one. But some time, it create another one. I don't know what happen with it.

    • Fred
    • 10 mths ago
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    Everytime I trigger it, some time it create 1 record and I try to trigger it many times it is not create another one. But some time, it create another one. I don't know what happen with it.
    there is something wrong with this formular. It keep create 2 record, and I have to delete, when  it happen every time. 

     So which one is it?

    next to your button create a new formula field and put this in it:

    let anyOldRecs := select 'THU/CHI' where NGAY = today();

    Before you press the button see if you see any records in the field. It should only create a record if there are no records found.

      • Nguyen_Nhat_Dong
      • 10 mths ago
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       I have tried but it still not working. There is the record in the field, when I press a button it create another one. But can you tell me what is the point of creating another formular next to it?

      • Mel_Charles
      • 10 mths ago
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       Fred is asking you to do this to TEST the logic and make sure it is doing its job

      • Nguyen_Nhat_Dong
      • 10 mths ago
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        now the code it working, It feel like nothing wrong with the code, but from the time from 6AM to 6 PM it working great, and from 6PM to 6AM the next day it wrong again. I don't know what happen with ninox tho.

      • Fred
      • 10 mths ago
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      The time of day should not be an issue, but that is why I recommended you create a new formula field next to the button.

      Watch the field the next couple of days, do you see data in the formula field before you press the button? You can also test things by deleting the record in 'THU/CHI' that has today's date.

      Make a note of when you see data and when you don't.

      When you see data then the button should NOT create a record. Make a note if a record gets created when you see data in the field.

      These are all steps to learn to how to troubleshoot your code logic. Luckily this is a simple if then so we can quickly test different conditions.

      • Nguyen_Nhat_Dong
      • 10 mths ago
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       I tried to go to webinar, they said it because of the day time problem. because the day time of the server is different than day time here in San Diego California.

    • Nguyen_Nhat_Dong
    • 10 mths ago
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    I tried to do this but it keep Create 2 record. I am so confusing now, because it work well from the morning, and then when it come to 4:00 PM at the afternoon, it create another record. Please help me I don't know what to do now. I tried to test so many time but it didn't workout. I am so desparated.


    let anyOldRecs := select 'THU/CHI' where NGAY = today();
    if count(anyOldRecs) < 1 then
        create 'THU/CHI'
      • Fred
      • 10 mths ago
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       you said you are in San Diego?

      are you using the app or cloud? If the app which version?

      • Nguyen_Nhat_Dong
      • 10 mths ago
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       I am using cloud in chrome.

      • Fred
      • 10 mths ago
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      which time zone?

      • Nguyen_Nhat_Dong
      • 10 mths ago
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       my time zone in San Diego is (UTC - 07:00) Arizona. But the Sever is in Berline is (UTC +2) Central European Summer Time. For example, Now is 1 PM afternoon in SD, but in Berline is 10PM. 9 hours ahead of me.

      • Fred
      • 10 mths ago
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      Thanks, I'm going to try it after 4pm PST as I am also in PST.

      • Nguyen_Nhat_Dong
      • 10 mths ago
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       ok thanks, tell me if you try it, thanks you.

    • Fred
    • 10 mths ago
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    Thanks, I'm going to try it after 4pm PST as I am also in PST.

     Well I was able to duplicate the issue. I thought they fixed date issues like this when they made DBs Timezone independent. What an annoying "feature".

    Did Ninox say there was no way to make this work?

    Playing around I was able to get it find the "correct" records by stripping out the year, month, and day out of the today() command, turn them into numbers, then use the date() command to put it back together.

    It looks something like this;

    let xyear := number(year(today()));
    let xmonth := number(month(today()));
    let xday := number(day(today()));
    let anyOldRecs := select 'THU/CHI' where NGAY = date(xyear,xmonth,xday);
    if count(anyOldRecs) < 1 then
        create 'THU/CHI'

    This is where used the extra formula field I suggested earlier comes in handy. Originally, I put this in the code box:

    debugValueInfo(select Table1 where Date = today())

    And it would show me:


    which means it found no records matching even though there was one.

    Then I played around and settled on this:

    let t := this;
    let xyear := number(year(today()));
    let xmonth := number(month(today()));
    let xday := number(day(today()));
    debugValueInfo(select Table1 where Date = date(xyear, xmonth, xday))

    and I got back:


    So now I know it found something and now if I transfer the new code to the button then the if statement will work.

      • Nguyen_Nhat_Dong
      • 10 mths ago
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       so there was a bug on today() function right?

      • Fred
      • 10 mths ago
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       I think the bug is in the server not able to convert Date into local time when comparing to today() on the client. 

      • Nguyen_Nhat_Dong
      • 10 mths ago
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        so this is the correct way to do this? meanwhile all the today() function in my database have to change.


      let xyear := number(year(today()));
      let xmonth := number(month(today()));
      let xday := number(day(today()));
      let anyOldRecs := select 'THU/CHI' where NGAY = date(xyear,xmonth,xday);
      if count(anyOldRecs) < 1 then
          create 'THU/CHI'