Integromat - Trigger after update
I am trying to print a template through Integromat and save it in a record.
For this I have a scenario where a yes/no field in the record is updated.
This works perfectly.
I run the scenario and it changes the field.
In the field, in Trigger after the update I have the following code:
let myName := "Report by months.pdf";
let myR := record('Report by months',1);
myR.('Year' := year(today()));
let myDoc := printAndSaveRecord(myR, "Report by months");
importFile(myR, myDoc, myName)
and when I run it from Integromat it doesn't work.
However, if I change the status in the record it does generate the pdf and archive it to the record.
What can be done?
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- 2 yrs agoLast active
- 66Views