Copying a Signature File from an On File location to a Transaction
I have a signature file (image data stored as signature, original) stored for each CLIENT. It is my OnFileSignature. Each month I deliver to these clients, and they have to 'sign' for it. I'd like to be able to copy the OnFileSignature from the CLIENT table into my DELIVERY table rather than re-collect another copy of a signature.
When I try to copy it from my CLIENT table to my DELIVERY table, I get a blank image file. When I select it, I get the error "Signature.png This image failed to load."
What is the best way to copy in an existing image file from a parent to a child table?
2 replies
On a customer card - I have a formula to look up an image from a master table
(select SystemFile).Image1
if a warning filed on th customer card is not empty
I then go on to flash this image in the customer jobs if the main card waring is again not empty
html((select SystemFile).Flash)
Probably not a million miles away from what you are tying to do
Seems very close to what I am doing. Thank you. I will try it.
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- 3 yrs agoLast active
- 2Replies
- 155Views