Mac users! What does the macOS version of Ninox look and feel like?

I can pnly see full screen screenshots. Does the macOS version have menus or is it an Electron / web interface pseudo app?

6 replies

    • Davie
    • 3 yrs ago
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    "can only see"

    • Sean
    • 3 yrs ago
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    It's an Xcode app that use HTML, CSS and Javascript for the interface. It runs files more quickly than the cloud version.


    By pseudo, you mean non-native? The difference between native and non-native can be indistinguishable if done well. Have you used Visual Studio Code? That is an Electron app.

    • Davie
    • 3 yrs ago
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    The difference between native and non-native can be indistinguishable if done well.

    "IF"! There doesn't appear to be a demo version so I'm hoping its done well. But I guess this means no macOS menus and therefore no keyboard shortcuts. But maybe the app doesn't need them. Never used VSC.


    • Sean
    • 3 yrs ago
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    LOL, "IF" is a two way street. MacOS TextEdit chokes on large text files and is presumably a "native" app, but VS Code handles the same files without breaking a sweat.


    Yes, the Ninox Mac app has some keyboard shortcuts, but then so does VS Code 😉

    • Davie
    • 3 yrs ago
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    OK thanks, last question, can you resize the Ninox window, or is it really a full screen app? I like to see the desktop as well as the app I'm using and maybe an other open document.

    I'm not a coder but I would use BBEdit over TextEdit most days of the week!

    My problem is not how an app is coded but how it ends up, its look and feel. Apple stuff is generally very consistant. The non native apps I've used look and feel like they've been ported direct from a PC version buy someone who's never used a Mac.

    • Sean
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Yes, you can resize the app window. I'm a relatively recent Mac convert, will Apple even allow a full-screen-only app in the App store? I have to admit it took me a while to figure out it was a web app. I do understand what you mean by look and feel. When I first downloaded OpenOffice, I was surprised how ugly the UI was, but it served its purpose for me.


    I suggest you set up a free 30 day cloud account so you can try it out. The functionality is almost identical, but you most likey not see the spinning wheel of doom in the Mac app unless you are using web services.