Button to Create a New Linked Record?
Hello, I have a link from "Notes" table within my default record. So if anyone adds a note, it creates a new record linked to that one. Within my default record where the "Notes" table is linked to, I want to create a button, that when clicked, it automatically creates a new note, and links it to the default record. What would this formula be?
21 replies
Try this, SM:
let myID := Id;
let nn := create Note;
nn.(Id := myID)
Oops! Sorry! Correction—
nn.('default record'.Id := myID)
I'm still learning the nuances of Ninox code, so this may need to be tweaked.
That did not work.
Try using this for the final line instead:
nn.(‘default record’ := myID)
(note, I’m using ‘default record’ as the name of your parent table.)
Try using this for the final line instead:
nn.(‘default record’ := myID)
(note, I’m using ‘default record’ as the name of your parent table.)
No luck still. Can you retype the code in its entirety. The the main table that I want to link the record to is named 'Repair' and the table I want to automatically link to and create a new record is 'Repair Notes' so what I want to do, instead of hitting the small + to create a new note that is automatically linked, I wish to just hit the button with the formula so it would like it automatically, and I can type in my new note.
Thank you.
I went back and looked at some of my code and I see what I missed. For a button in table 'Repair' with a subtable linked to it named 'Repair Notes', this code goes in the button:
let myID := number(Id);
let nn := create Note;
nn.('Repair' := myID)
From your description, you're going to also want popupRecord, which will take you to the new note. I'm currently trying to figure out how to use that. Once I get it, I'll drop you a line.
let myID:=Id;
let NN:=create 'Repair Notes';
let myRN:=number(NN.Id));
popupRecord(record('Repair Notes',myRN))
I was able to use the first 3 lines to create a new linked record. The last two lines are not working to open that record.
do you use a WEB-APP?,
try this:
let myID := Id;
let NN := (create 'Repair Notes');
NN.(Repair := myID);
popupRecord(record('Repair Notes',number(NN.Id)))Leo
I finally got it! Thank you!!!
through a linked table I select the items I have to invoice. When I select one the table closes and I have to re-open it again to select another one. Is it possible use a similar code for multiple selection?
that is not possible yet
Hi Leo,
is there an alternative way to link multiple records at once? I've hundreds of records to link and doing it individually is very exhausting :(. Thank you
Hi Andrea,
you can filter the records and then run the update multiple records
자동 링크 응용사례
A 테이블 이름: '4.수량산출내역서'
B 테이블 이름: '5.실정보고'
Reference form A테이블 to B테이블(1:N)
A 테이블 버튼 공식
A테이블 과 B테이블의 조건(검색어)이 일치하는 레코드를 자동으로 링크할수 있다
let myID := ID;
let my := '검색어';
let x := (select '5.실정보고' where '검색어' like my);
let cx := x.IDD;
for q in cx do
let i := number(substr(q, index(q, "MB") + 2));
let new := record('5.실정보고',number(i));
let qq := new.('4.수량산출내역서' := myID);
if x = null then 0 else qq end
end -
IDD 공식
ex) MB141
테이블 마다 값이 문자를 포함한 숫자로 나타난다.
우리는 숫자만을 원하기 때문에
let cx := x.IDD;
for q in cx do
let i := number(substr(q, index(q, "MB") + 2)); / 값 141.
레코드 수가 많을때 링크 속도를 올릴수 있는 방법은 무엇입니까?
I tried to make multiple selections.
Select button (select child records)
Connection button (in the invoice)
Revert button (1 time only)
Done button (dismiss fields of multiple selected child records)
a Move the record of the invoice (child table) to b Invoice
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- 6 yrs agoLast active
- 21Replies
- 9618Views