Reference of Functions and Language
I understood the use of the select statement, but I need a confirmation, please...
I can use the select statement with a not linked table too, from any table in the DB?
The select statement run with data fields only, or with formula fields too?
I have three tables; Table A, linked to Table B; Table B linked to Table C; I can use the select statement from the Table A to obtain the Table C data (the Tables A and C are not directed linked); is it correct?
Can I receive a lot of example with a little DB, to understand better the "How to do", please?
Thanks for all
Best regards
I understood the use of the select statement, but I need a confirmation, please...
I can use the select statement with a not linked table too, from any table in the DB?
The select statement run with data fields only, or with formula fields too?
I have three tables; Table A, linked to Table B; Table B linked to Table C; I can use the select statement from the Table A to obtain the Table C data (the Tables A and C are not directed linked); is it correct?
Can I receive a lot of example with a little DB, to understand better the "How to do", please?
Thanks for all
Best regards
106 replies
Hi, is there a way to comment out some lines?
you can write e.g.
let Comment: = "here is a comment"
Leo -
Hi all, is there a more complete function reference available? For example, I've seen an example with a Styled() function that I can't see documented anywhere. Thanks.
We are working on a new manual... At the moment find new features documented here https://ninoxdb.de/en/whatsnew
Birger - Ninox Support -
Many thanks. I'm loving the product so far and am astounded by its power considering how much it costs. :)
Hi, I wrote this function (it works) inserted in a function field called "Status Fattura" in a table called "Fatture" linked to a table called "Clienti":
let a := text("EMESSA");
let b := text("Inviata");
let c := text("PAGATA");
let d := text("SCADUTA");
if 'Data invio a Cliente' = null and 'Data pagamento' = null and 'Data scadenza Fattura' > today() then
styled(a, "", "", "printer")
if 'Data invio a Cliente' = null and 'Data pagamento' = null and 'Data scadenza Fattura' = today() then
styled(b, "", "", "glider")
if 'Data pagamento' != null then
styled(c, "green", "white", "moneybag")
if 'Data scadenza Fattura' < today() then
styled(d, "red", "white", "warn2")
I would like to create in a new function field inserted in the "Clienti"(customers) table a code that "reads" the "SCADUTA" (expired) result of the previous function and makes the sum of all the records (connected to the same customer) that have the "Status Fattura" = SCADUTA (Status Invoice = expired). It's possible?
Thx u so much -
Hello, I really like this product.
I am working on a database on currency exchange rates. You know, the exchange rate changes in real time, so I need to introduce an external API to adjust the exchange rate in real time. What should I do?
Thank you -
In the release notes I noticed a language function that you should be able to use...
- Call REST services: http(method, url, header, body)
There’s no other documentation than this I’m afraid, but it sounds like the beginnings of a possibility. -
This is the first sign of bigger things to come :-)
RESTful API coming to Ninox soon.
Birger - Ninox Support -
no reply?? :(
If you could send me ( support@ninoxdb.de ) a copy of the Ninox database you are working on (Main menu -> "Save Archvie as...") I'm sure that I can find a solution to your problem.
Birger - Ninox Support -
Very happy to know this news, the new version will be released at what time?
it will be released inside this half of the year.
Birger - Ninox Support -
now() returns UTC time and not my local time zone time. Is there a way to change this behavior?
John -
Let me be more clear, when I use now( ) in a formula for setting field default values in a form it uses UTC. On a trigger:
Time := now ( );
That returns UTC. If I do the same thing in the "console" it returns local time.
John -
Hi John,
the now () function returns the current date and time. If you only need the time, you should use the formula
Time := time (now ())
Leo -
That did it for me, thank you! And thanks for the quick reply. Love your product.
John -
Hi. You may want to give me a helping hand with a puzzling behavior of 'like'.
Here is a list of text records, say 'Dummy'
Filtering the list in View:Filter 'like AAR' selects records 1-3-4-6, ie all records containing 'AAR'.
This behavior is different when using 'like' in a Filtering Values context such as
>Counting records 'cnt'
cnt(Record[Dummy like 'AAR'].Any)
this count records 1-3-4 but not 6
>Selecting records
select Record where Dummy like 'AAR'
again, this selects records 1-3-4 but not 6
Any thoughts? It looks as if the behavior of 'like' is inconsistent. I'd expect 'like' to behave like in View:FIlter, ie matching any record containing 'AAR' regardless of its text position within the record.
Thank you for any help you may provide. Cheers, --Jaime -
Hi Jaime,
that's right, "like" in filters behaves differently than in triggers.
Try this:
cnt(select Record[contains(Dummy, "AAR")])
Selecting records
select Record[contains(Dummy, "AAR")].Dummy
Leo -
Thanks a lot Leo! I was lost in Manual Woods btw, excellent db! Congrats, --Jaime
How can use REST services? ( http(method, url, header, body) )
Have you a little sample?
Thanks. -
Have you planned a browser fields in Ninox?
Thanks. -
is there a function that can copy a text of a filed?
Andrea -
Copy to where?
Birger -
Ninox Cloud can be accessed from any browser: https://app.ninoxdb.de/
The abilty to connect Ninox with web forms (read and right) is in development at the moment.
Birger Hansen
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- 6 yrs agoLast active
- 106Replies
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