To remove a letter at the end of words in a list
Is there a way to remove the letter S at the end of words in a list ?
In Excel one use =LEFT(B2;LEN(B2)-1
24 replies
There is the length function: length(field name). Then you can use the substr, not the substring, function to get all text minus the last one: substr(“text string”,start position,length of sub-string)
Maybe something like:
let xLen := length(Field1)
This assumes you don't have a space at end of any text.
Thank you Fred
Does it mean that if my field is "Ordre"
It shoud be :
let xLen := longueur(Ordre)
I tried it on another base where the champ is "name" and I got the error :
The function is not define lenght (string) on the line 2, column 6
Try putting a ; at the end of the first line. I'm sorry that I forgot to put that in. Any let statement needs a ; at the end.
Do you mean :
let xLen := longueur(Nom);
if yes I get this kind of error :
Allways line 2 but now with the column 26
What do you get if you changed it to:
let xLen := longueur(Nom);
The same error. (Line 2, column 26)
can you try length instead of longueur? I don't know what functions get translated and which one don't. Do you have a link to the French manual that lists all the functions?
> Line 1 column 24
Same error with the 2 functions
I mean
let xLen := lenght(Nom);
let xLen := lenght(Nom);
There is no French manual for Ninox
Then I guess all functions are supposed to be written in English?
If so, the length is spelled wrong in your forumla.
This is what I have in a test field:
let xLen := length(Location.City.'City Name');
substr(Location.City.'City Name', 0, xLen - 1)and it works.
Ok it works like that. Thanks.
But there is a little issue : the S has been remove but some "e" have also been remove !
EG :
Coraciiform instead of Coraciiforme
Falconiform instead of Falconiforme
In fact the function removes the last letter but how can one ask it to dot it only if it is the letter ”S” ?
If you switch substr to substring to something like:
substring(Location.City.'City Name', xLen - 1, xLen)
That grabs the last letter.
So you can do:
let xLen := length(Nom);
let xSearch := substring(Nom, xLen - 1, xLen);
If xSearch = "s" then
Thanks Fred but I get the same issue all the "e" has vanished.
Sorry I made a mistake but
I get
”A column has not been found :if on the line 3, column 2”
remember that all functions are lower case. look at line 3 and tell me what is wrong with it.
Also your else should be Ordre not Nom, correct?
Thanks Fred,
You are right about the word "Nom" instead of "Ordre", I changed that.
But I got always the "If" issue on line 3 column 2
Should it be "if" instead of "If" ?
Yes !
That is right ”if”must be in lower case !
Now that works !
Thanks again, Fred.
As you can see on the screen shot, strangely, some words have still an S at the end.
How can one explain that ?
Since it only happens on some of the records, I would first take a look at the data to see if they are different? Why did ID 594 work and 285 did not?
A guess is maybe they have a space at the end. The formula does not take into account spaces.
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- 3 yrs agoLast active
- 24Replies
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