Finding a "lost" database
Ninox Desktop, running on MacOS X.
After a crash, I lost (can no longer find) the database I had had open and had been working on for three months (yes, I know, I should not have left it open that long)
I don't *think* it shows up in my available databases. I honestly dont recall its file name, it was a duplicate/update from an earlier database made in December, and I don't recall if I was keeping it local or on iCloud.
- If it was local, it just doesn't show up anywhere - not in the Ninox picker, and it does not appear in the ~/me/Library/... container path.
- If it was iCloud, it either (a) doesn't show up, or (b) was actually what I think was the prior instance of this database, and contains no updates since last December, which doesn't seem right - shoudn't changes have synchronized as I made them, even without closing the database?
I honestly don't know where to begin to try to recover this ... it is many many months of work ...
4 replies
Local databases on the Mac:
~/Library/Containers/de.ninoxdb.ninox-mac.Ninox/Data/Documents/dataDatabases stored in your iCloud:
*this path can only be opened via the Terminal
Hi Nick,
Have you ever accessed your iCloud files typing ~/Library/Mobile/Documents/BJE6SD455T~de~ninoxdb~ninox-ios/data? I get an error. Are you using zsh or bash?
it's "Mobile Documents", rather than "Mobile/Documents"...
In iCloud, I only see enough folder paths for the six databases that show up in Ninox that *aren't* my missing file (and I'm not sure I'd know what to with the bundles there even if it did show up...)
So, it does not show up in my local tree, and does not appear to show up in my Mobile tree ...
I am wondering if it is "missing" because it is indeed one of the six on my Mobile tree, but I hadn't exited the database to the top level of Ninox in three months, and my changes never synced? I have restarted the Mac since then, but Ninox always restored back to the open view of the database. But this seems unlikely...
Hi Sean,
I got an error too.
I found it here:
I also asked Jorg here, but no answer:
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- 3 yrs agoLast active
- 4Replies
- 684Views