Blog Post NINOX 3.3.0
Hello, just thought you'd like to know that the blog post (after selecting link "Read More") ... displays this:
(.... can't add photos to posts! :-<<< )
(the >> before each "Ninox" indicates an image that isn't rendering).
This is the text:
>> Ninox
Ninox Success
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.
PlaceHolder (Button)
>> Ninox
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PS Need photos back please (in posts), thanks! Karen
14 replies
Forgot to add - hopefully there will also be more details about these great new things ... for example: how to use Dynamic Single and Dynamic Multiple choice(s) fields. I know more or/less what they're supposed to do (at least I think I do) ... I just need to see an example (or two) -> f(x). Also, the other ones too (examples). Info is probably not in the online manual yet and it's very difficult for me to catch a webinar when available (Eng/EST ) ... unless the video for this version is on YouTube?
Thanks! I hope everybody is doing well and still has their sanity intact ;-) ke
I've already reported this to support. So they are aware of this
Hi Mel, thanks for letting me know! :-)
Nick - how did you get the image into your post? I tried: dragging the image, pasting the image and then tried via the image icon/open image file from computer, none of those actions worked.
Also ... does anyone have a quick example (fx) re: fields (Dynamic Single / Dynamic Multiple choice(s)? I believe I know what they're intended for ... I'm just stuck re: f(x). An example would be really, really appreciated so I can get 'unstuck'... :-) I'm sure it's probably something really basic :->
Many thanks! Karen
Hi Karen,
It's easy to do. First, you have to log in using this address . Beware!! If you log in and create a database with a "Dynamic" choice field or add one to an existing database, be sure to exit that database before you log out. If you don't and try to log in to the non beta site, your access will be frozen.
Here's a picture ...
Just create a table to hold your choice values and then use "select YourTable" in the "Dynamic values" section. Btw, I just clicked on the icon to the right of "Source" and was able to choose an image.
Thank you SO much Sean ~ !!
I realized the other day I wasn't using the Beta ...(and I wish they'd put a favicon for the beta version too ... --yes, silly, I know). I really appreciate the warning about account 'freezing' :-> I keep the 'next' (Beta) version tab/pinned so I know I'm using the same version each time.
SO, these fields are essentially a "pick list" type thing ... which is awesome! You gave me a perfect example too, thanks!! I have a lot of use for this!
To post an image, I had tried what you did ... but it didn't work. I'll have to try it again.
Thanks Sean! Karen
Here's another example. Instead of creating multiple versions of a Choice field and then display/hide the different versions based on some criteria, you can create just one "Dynamic single choice" (DSC) field and select which records to show based on that criteria. For example, you have your main table with a DSC field and another table named "Colors". In "Colors" you have a 'Color Id' field and a 'Color Name' field. Now, in the DSC field "Dynamic values" formula you could use something like this...
switch 'Color Group' do
case 1:
(select Colors where 'Color Id' < 4)
case 2:
(select Colors where 'Color Id' > 3 and 'Color Id' < 7)
case 3:
(select Colors where 'Color Id' > 6)
'Color Group' is a Number field in the main table, but you could use other types of fields as well.
Great idea! I think there should be 4 values available, name, color, icon and other as you like. For example "Other Value" could include the price of the product.
Great idea! I think there should be 4 values available, name, color, icon and other as you like. For example "Other Value" could include the price of the product.
Yes, in the "Value name" formula of the DSC field you could have something like...
Color + " - " + Price
OK thank you. How to read only price from "value name" in another table?
Many, many thanks Sean! What a coincidence that you used colors in your example ... I created an app for the (many) Pantone colors I use in Graphics and Web design projects .... I've also coded it to create the color swatches as well! (I'm crazy about Pantone colors .... :-O )
I've been working on another app for Squarespace website design which has been far more complex (for a wide variety of reasons, but there's many different 'template families' with specific sets of features for each 'family)... so I have to use a combination of 'lookup' tables (e.g. fonts table/many of them) and many choice fields with values that I need to use repeatedly. With another platform I've used (which doesn't have a 'cloud' option), you can make picklists so all I have to do is create the choice fields /Picklists one time only.
The choice field/picklists draw their values from either my manual input OR the picklist draws them from a table (as per the first example you gave me) of values. I believe this will be a huge 'gamechanger' and time saver for me!
I greatly appreciate your examples and info ... you have been really, very helpful :-) (and I've saved all the info too!! ) Karen
Karen, you're welcome :-)
Jarosław, If you mean a different table than the one in the "Dynamic values" formula, I don't know if that's possible. I haven't had time to test many variations. If you mean the same table as the one in the "Dynamic values" formula, you can choose from the fields on the left of the forumula editor, assuming you are using the text editor and not the visual editor.
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- 3 yrs agoLast active
- 14Replies
- 937Views