Using trial version

Why are print, delete, duplicate icons disabled on list view? When I select 'Print View' how do I set the destination folder?

How do I print a list of a found set ie: all customers with a London address?

6 replies

    • Choices_Software_Dean
    • 4 yrs agoFri, September 4, 2020 at 12:31 PM UTC
    • Reported - view

    Those icons are disabled because you are in list view and do not have a record selected. The icons all pertain only to a specific record.


    Destination folder may vary by your printer driver and/or operating system. It may also work diferently between the local and cloud version of Ninox (I am not sure).


    First be sure the city column is showing in the list. You can add or remove columns from the list, by clicking any column header. Then click the city header and enter London as your filter criteria, and hit the Enter key. Then click Tools icon and select "Print View".

    • Colin.1
    • 4 yrs agoFri, September 4, 2020 at 4:03 PM UTC
    • Reported - view

    Many thanks for the advice. What I really need to do is print a list of 200 members with specific fields

     I currently use Filemaker Pro Advanced at the moment and there you can create a list of records that use more than 1 line per record.

    Any advice welcomed.

    • Choices_Software_Dean
    • 4 yrs agoFri, September 4, 2020 at 4:39 PM UTC
    • Reported - view

    Filemaker is more advanced with printing.

    • Choices_Software_Dean
    • 4 yrs agoFri, September 4, 2020 at 7:04 PM UTC
    • Reported - view

    Perhaps someone else has suggestions for improved Ninox printing, or can point to prior threads on this subject.

    • Sean
    • 4 yrs agoFri, September 4, 2020 at 8:38 PM UTC
    • Reported - view

    Steven has an example of how you can print a list of records here, https://ninox.com/en/forum/use-cases-5abd0b9c4da2d77b6ebfa395/printing-a-view-not-possible-this-is-how-it-can-be-done-5f1c548e0f8378438c972956. You would need to add an extra carriage return where you want to split your record.

    • Choices_Software_Dean
    • 4 yrs agoFri, September 4, 2020 at 8:42 PM UTC
    • Reported - view

    Try this:


    1. use Text (multiline) fields


    2. enter sample data with multiple lines


    3. click Tool icon (beside Filter icon)


    4. select "Share this view..."


    5. under Show as, click "HTML"


    6. click Globe on right side of Public URL field