Adding Images from another table
My apologies for asking such a simple question. I'm a novice and using this for a personal collection of pottery. I have created a main table for my collection with photos I have taken. I have created a second table with images of the pieces of pottery as they appear in advertising. I have created a link between the two tables and I can see thumbnails of the adertising images but I'd like to make those appear larger. Is there a way to create a formula that also sizes the images as it draw them into the form? Thanks in advance.
6 replies
Yes! Create a formula like so:
Table name . Image field name
Do you mean I hvae to use the photo name like this: Advertising Table.Example.Photo.jpg
Similar. What are the names of the tables and photo field? What is the table you would like to display your images?
Im an idiot! lol----I just figured it out. Thank you!
Hello. i fixed this issue but I have another. Is there a way to create a "many to many" relationship between tables? I can create a "one to many", linking two tables. but, I cannot link two tables with a many to many relationship.
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- 6 yrs agoLast active
- 6Replies
- 2686Views