Slow, unpredictable delivery times of emails sent thru Ninox

I am using Ninox’s sendEmail function to send very short and simple emails to between 1 and 6 people at a time but about half of those emails arrive at their destinations long after they are sent. Some arrive over 24 hours after they are sent. It doesn’t look like the problem is on the recipient end because I’m currently sending them to several test email accounts and the delay occurs intermittently on all 3 accounts. In other words, sometimes any given email account may receive an email almost instantaneously, but the next email won’t arrive in its inbox for hours.

Any ideas what might be going on here? And more importantly, any suggestions on how to prevent such extreme delays in delivery of emails I send through Ninox?

Thanks in advance.

6 replies

    • Mconneen
    • 5 yrs ago
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    @BlarirW .. Have you tested sending them from Ninox server.. then sending one from another source (your own email server.. gmail.. etc. ?? )

    I do NOT do a heck of a lot of emailing.. but when I have.. it has been as expected.. seconds.. minutes.. 

    • BlairW
    • 5 yrs ago
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    Hi Mconneen. Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately I don't know how to specify what server to use when using the sendEmail function. The documentation I've found in the user manual is sparse and I haven't managed to find any other information. I used the sendEmail example I found in the user manual as a template and it appears to send the emails perfectly. It's just the delivery times can be extreme. I just received some emails that I sent about 30 hours ago. Do you know of any other documentation or examples? If so, could you point me in the right direction? Thanks again.

    • BlairW
    • 5 yrs ago
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    No change since I first posted about this. Some emails I send thru Ninox arrive within minutes of being sent and others are taking over 24 hours. Yesterday I've even had one that took over 36 hours. I'm using the built in sendEmail function just as I found in the user manual. I'd love to be able to try using a different mail server but I don't know how to do that when using the built in mail function. The only option I see is to change the sender email address, which I have also tried without any change in delivery time whatsoever. Any suggestions on what I might try next? 

    • Mconneen
    • 5 yrs ago
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    @BlairW... My comment was more along the line of "testing".  If you see a Ninox generated email not arriving in (pick your time frame) ... Jump on personal email account and send an email to the same receipiant. I assume it will arrive as expected.. thus isolating this as a Ninox generated email issue and not the destination / receipiant email.. 

    • BlairW
    • 5 yrs ago
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    Hi Mconneen. Thanks for the clarification. I've tested the email functionality as you suggested and all non-Ninox emails act perfectly normal. They arrive at their destinations within seconds. It sure seems to me the problem has to be on the Ninox side. I'm about make this new functionality live for my team in the next week or so but I have to get this issue resolved before I can even think of doing that.

    • James_Sullivan
    • 4 yrs ago
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    Any update on this?  My email buttons have become crippled by this recently.  Beginning in December (2020) I can expect emails to take anywhere from 24 hours to 48 hours to go through.