Image size

Hi guys,

I would like my image to be full size, but it only gets a certain size.

I'm picking the image from a "backend folder"-

(select BACKENDFOLDER).FrontImage


What am I missing, if I want to make it full width?




6 replies

    • szormpas
    • 4 wk ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi, what kind of field contains the image? Is it an image field or a formula field?

    • Ninox partner
    • RoSoft_Steven.1
    • 4 wk ago
    • Reported - view
    <img width=auto height=99% align=middle style='display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;' src=
    --- +
    fileUrl(record(BACKENDFOLDER,1), "filename.jpg") +
    • CX Pilot
    • OMTYKT
    • 3 wk ago
    • Reported - view

    Hi guys,

    thanks for your attention on this.

    First: the image that I attempt to place on my Dashboard is an Image field stored in the BACKEND table. There is only 1 record, storing all images  (one in each field) (something I was taught by Birger back in the days).

    I have named both image-field and image the same "FRONTPAGE-HEADER" and "FRONTPAGE-HEADER.jpg"

    I think I understand what you intend to do (Steven), but I can't make it work for some reason.

    Hope this "explainer" is more clear than the previous one.



      • szormpas
      • 3 wk ago
      • Reported - view

        Hello, within a function field, insert the following code:

      html("<img src='https://share.ninox.com/xo8fwpvjr91gcshqw35uzs992zefgkgdn9x0' style='object-fit: cover;' height=98% width=100%/>")

      You should get the same result as in the screenshot. If you are happy, replace the src attribute with the shared Ninox URL of your image.

      • CX Pilot
      • OMTYKT
      • 3 wk ago
      • Reported - view

       Absolutely perfect :)  Thanks a lot 🙏

      • szormpas
      • 3 wk ago
      • Reported - view

       my pleasure!

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