Field labels in RED color
Just wanted to find out if it was possible to make the labels of the fields in RED color for all required fields in a table. eg: In the Sales Order table, I want the 'Sale Order Date' label to be in RED color to signify that it is a required field on the form.
50 replies
Here is a list of classes for the different field types
Text .component.editor.editor-string
Text(multiline) .component.editor.editor-string
Rich text .component.editor.editor-html
Number .component.editor.editor-number
Yes/No .component.editor.editor-boolean
Choice .component.editor.editor-choice
Multiple choice .component.editor.editor-multi
Date .component.editor.editor-date
Time .component.editor.editor-time
Appointment .component.editor.editor-appointment
Color .component.editor.editor-color
Choice (dynamic) .component.editor.editor-dchoice
Multiple choice (dynamic) .component.editor.editor-dmulti -
I read this thread with much interest and tried all the options above.
I like the idea of setting a text input cell to colour base on Seans field "Required' Option. but also like the idea of setting the cell colour as an infill as per Sotirios suggestion. This test showed that it affects all input cells. I would like this to this apply the infill but to just either the required cells or better still just one input filed of my choosing. Do this think this is doable?
Ie in my orders form a product description text line (is required field) but after I input the data I would like it to stay highlight with the red and infill and yellow text (just this field!)
now when place the date go to normal fieldDo you want this to happen?
I tried your code and set it for field 1 and 9 (both text fields) works like a charm!
i then tried seeting the last 2 .form line to 2 (field 2 is a date field and nothing happened)
I'm not quite understand the top section of the code l- look slike error hadnling for date and string errors but i don't understand how this applies/works in respetc of my filed 2 (date field) and what error would it be expecting?
html(" <style> .component.editor.editor-string.error { background-color: lightgray; } .component.editor.editor-string.error label { color: red; } .component.editor.editor-date.error label { color: red; } .component.editor.editor-date.error { background-color: lightgray; } .form .component.editor.editor-string:nth-child(1) .nx-input, .form .component.editor.editor-string:nth-child(1) .nx-input__input, .form .component.editor.editor-string:nth-child(2) .nx-input, .form .component.editor.editor-string:nth-child(2) .nx-input__input { color: yellow; background-color: red; } </style> ")
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- Status Answered
- 7 mths agoLast active
- 50Replies
- 413Views