Conditional Formula Request
I need some assistance to create formulas that returns values based on two Choice Fields in my stats table. The choice fields are 'Cohort Year' and 'Cohort Term'. To explain this simply, let's take a field titled 'Enrolled' I want this to return the value based on these two choice fields. So if I choose 2023 for year and SP-A for term, I then want my formula to search all records that match the Year and Term selected and return a number. The fields in the records it needs to check for are 'Enrolled Term' and 'Enrolled Year'. Enrolled Term is a choice field and Enrolled Year is a number field.
Any help, as always, is greatly appreciated!
7 replies
is the choice field a simple choice?
in the table you want to search is Enrolled Term also a choice field? if not what kind of field is it?
So, I made a quick adjustment that I hope will make this easier. I made the choice fields in the stats table to dynamic. I've also changed the fields in the lead records to dynamic choices.
I know my syntax is completely off here, but this is the idea I am going for:
let x := (select Leads)['Enrolled Term']; let y := (select 'Cohort Terms')[Term]; count(x = y)
I want it to count all the records that are determined by my choice selection. So, if I choose SP-A term in my stats table, I want it to match it up with all my records that have SP-A as the Enrolled Term in my leads table.
Maybe this is closer to the solution. However, not sure if this can work for dynamic choice or simple choice fields?
let x := Term let y :=Year count(select Leads where Status=3)['Enrolled Term'=x and 'Enrolled Year'=y]
Fred, just talking myself through the problem helps me find the answer. I got the correct syntax now!!!
let x := Term; let y := Year; count(select Leads where Status = 3 and ('Enrolled Term' = x and 'Enrolled Year' = y))
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- 1 yr agoLast active
- 7Replies
- 62Views